Professor Jill Duerr Berrick (School of Social Welfare, U.C. Berkeley) and professor Marit Skivenes (University of Bergen) will visit the University of Helsinki and give a keynote lecture at the Faculty of Social Sciences on August 23 at 10-12.
The topic of the keynote lecture will be: International Trends in Child Protection.
Commentators: Taina Laajasalo, research professor at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, docent in legal psychology (University of Helsinki) Elina Pekkarinen, the ombudsman for children in Finland, docent in social work (University of Helsinki).
The event is hosted by the Helsinki Practice Research Centre (HPRC) together with Helsinki Inequality Initiative (INEQ). More information and registration to the event on INEQ’s website. Participation via Zoom is also possible.