Circulator 1.0 Schedule

Starting from October 14th and ending on November 25th, over the course of two months or 9 weeks, selected teams will have the opportunity to participate in a number of expert-led workshops, lectures, and other events.

Below, you'll find a complete week by week schedule for the programme.

We'll be updating the schedule as we sign partners and experts to co-host the programme. We reserve the right to edit the schedule during the programme in order to best address the participants’ needs.

The exciting part of the schedule will be the open events, happening almost every Wednesday. There will always be a few spots open for anyone outside of the programme interested in learning more about circular economy to come and participate. We'll try to host these workshops in relevant spaces for expanding our understanding of the circular community. To sign up for these, please use this link.

Unless stated otherwise, the venue for sessions is the Viikki Think Company Co-working space (Latokartanonkaari 3, 00790 Helsinki). However, exceptions are possible, especially during the open workshop days
