University of Helsinki postgraduate students may also have the language of their Licentiate theses and doctoral dissertations written in a foreign language revised at cost price.
Need help with Academic Writing? See Academic Writing in English (pdf) by Carolyn Brimley Norris (2022).
Material accepted for revision free of charge from University of Helsinki units and employees include
NB! University units may also have their texts written in Swedish pertaining to administration and communication revised. (This revision is for non-native speakers of Swedish only.)
Grant-funded researchers (with a valid contract for grant-funded research) may have the language of their scholarly articles revised free of charge. The University’s postgraduate students may submit their licentiate theses and doctoral dissertations written in a foreign language for revision. Texts related to postgraduate studies (doctoral dissertations, licentiate theses and other relevant texts) are revised at cost price. See Intranet Flamma for further information.
The time required for revision depends on the length of the text.
Your revisor at Language Services will undertake to check correct spelling, grammar and punctuation in addition to ensuring that the text follows the standards of clarity and fluency of academic writing.
Your revisor will also give consideration to your manuscript’s adherence to the journal’s instructions for authors (e.g., format and style, usage of abbreviations, tables and figures), provided that a copy of these accompanies the text to be revised. You, as the author, are responsible for adhering to style guidelines governing citations and references.
As much as possible, language revision aims to improve texts such that language issues cease to be a barrier to publication. Although language revision can considerably improve a manuscript’s chances of being accepted by the target journal, it cannot guarantee this, as numerous factors other than language determine a document’s suitability for publication.
Spelling and vocabulary
Readability and consistency
Structure of the text
Content issues, such as faulty or unclear argumentation
Citations and references
Enquiries about revision services and texts to be revised should be submitted to:
Outi Ala-Kahrakuusi, Planning Officer, tel. 02941 22675
E-mail: kielipalvelut-kielentarkistukset(at)
Postal address:
Language Services
P.O. Box 4 (Vuorikatu 5)
Order forms (intranet Flamma)