Electron microprobe laboratory - NEW EPMA probe installed 2023
- Electron microprobe JEOL JXA-iSP100 Superprobe with LaB6 emitter, 5 WDS detectors and SDD EDS detector,
The Electron probe microanalyzer or "microprobe" is designed for non-destructive micrometer-sized spot quantitative chemical analysis from polished mineral sample surfaces.
- Scanning Electron Microscope JEOL 5900 with SDD EDS detector and CT unit, upgraded with SAMx hardware and XMAs/IDFix/Diss5 analytical software
Contact: Laboratory Engineer Katie Doig
X-ray Laboratory
- XRF Panalytical Axios mAX 4 kW, X-ray fluorescence wavelength dispersive spectrometer, measures elemental composition of rock powder using fused glass beads.
Contact: Laboratory Engineer Katie Doig
LA-ICP-MS laboratory
- Coherent GeoLas MV 193 nm Laser, small volume sample cell is tuned for measurement of melt and fluid inclusions combined to an
- Agilent 7900s ICP mass spectrometer.
- Hot CL Lumic HC6-LM, Olympus DP73 camera, hot cathode cathodoluminescence microscopy
- Cold CL CITL analytical instruments CL 8200 Mk-2, Leica DM2700 P microscope, DFC450 C camera, cold cathode cathodoluminescence microscopy
- FI microscopes Linkamheating/cooling stage, Leica DM2500 P and BX51 IR-microscopes / Leica DFC450 C camera, microthermometry.
- Available standard reference materials include NIST glasses, USGS glasses and sulphide standards, PGE standards
Contact: Prof. Christoph Beier
Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometer and metal-free clean room facility to be installed end of 2024/beginning of 2025
Contact: Prof. Christoph Beier