Before generation of a new GM mouse and rat line the researcher must obtain a project license from the national board of animal experiment. The license application contains a brief description of the specific project, its aims, and an estimate of the phenotypic change in the GM animals and its impact on health/well-being. The application document can be found at:
The GM mouse unit has its own license which describes all the procedures performed in the unit. Please refer to this in your application (License number ESAVI/5349/04.10.07/2014).
Maintenance of strains, which have a health problem caused by the gene modification, requires a project license from the national board of animal experiment. If you are not sure whether a phenotypic change in your mice constitutes a “health problem”, please consult the veterinarian of the Laboratory Animal Center (Anna Meller).
The application document can be found at:
Provide the GM unit with the projecet license, when requesting services.
Maintenance of GM mouse strains, which do not have a health problem, does not require a project license. The research group still needs to submit an activity report to Laboratory Animal Center. The activity report document can be found here. In case of problems, contact Niina Kemppinen.
Provide the GM mouse unit with the activity report number when requesting services.
For all new GM mouse lines to be used, a GM notification form (in Flamma intranet for UH staff only and requires logging) should be filled and sent to the Laboratory Animal Center (Niina Kemppinen). In addition, when requesting services from the GM mouse unit please attach the GM risk assesment/GM notification form to the work request.
Information about working on GM organisms is found on the pages of the national board on gene technology (Geenitekniikan lautakunta).