If you are ready to propose an experiment or a measurement at our facilties, or book industrial access, use the Apply for Beamtime form.
You can e-mail our user office for further details. It is always a good idea to contact the user office before submitting your proposal.
We are always looking to extend our collaborative network towards users from both academy and industry. Our unique facilities in Finland provide access to the latest developed X-ray spectroscopy techniques through both services and collaborative projects.
We invite you to consult our experts with any question related to the latest applications of X-ray spectroscopy on interdisciplinary and industrial research.
If you need to know more of our services and the capabilities of our beamlines, or if you are not sure how X-ray spectroscopy can enhance your research, innovation and development projects -- consult our experts by contacting us via e-mail.
Your question will be forwarded to our experts that will answer you as soon as possible. Please do not enter confidential information in any form or in any e-mail.