The facility is equipped with 2 cryostat workstations (cryostat, microsope), 6 microtome workstations (microtome, microsope, water bath), 1 vibratome workstation (vibratome, microsope), 2 automated tissue processor machines for paraffin, 1 manual paraffin embedding station, 1 oven for manual paraffin processing, and 2 manual slide staining workstations.
As a next step for fast and high-quality analysis of stained sections, we provide high-throughput, brightfield scanning service for your microscopy slides using our Histoscanner Services.
Additional services are also available in our HiLAPS platform.
All available equipments at the facility can be booked using Excel reservation file (one worksheet per room), by indicating both your name AND PI/group name: Histolab_Booking.xlsx
New users of the facility must participate to a hands-on training session (tissue processing & sectioning) before starting using the equipment. Please contact us directly ( to arrange a time for a training and/or for services.
Fees include paraffin, standard disposable blades for sectioning, and chemicals for tissue processing, deparaffinization, and staining.
By using our services, customers agree to acknowledge the Histology Core Facility when publishing their results. Here is one example of a sentence that can be used:
The core is located at the Institute of Biotechnology, in rooms 5026 (tissue processing), 5032a (sectioning), and 5032b (histological staining) of Biocenter 2 building (Viikinkaari 5).
Email contact:
Director: Dr Nicolas Di-Poï; Technician: Paula Maanselkä