Accessibility at Learning Centre Aleksandria

Aleksandria is located on Fabianinkatu in Kaisaniemi, next to Kaisa House.

The Aleksandria facilities can also be accessed by members of the University community with a magnetic key at night time when the Library is closed.

You can access Learning Centre Aleksandria

  • Via the courtyard on Fabianinkatu 26
  • Via the entrance for the physically disabled on Fabianinkatu 28 (see note below)
  • Via the gateway between Vuorikatu 3 and 5 which leads to Fabianinkatu. This connection can be used on weekdays, 6:45–19:45.

There is a separate accessible entrance to Learning Centre Aleksandria. You can open the door with a magnetic key which can be obtained in the same way as a night use key. Please remember to mention that you need a key for the disabled access doors. 

Should you require assistance with entering the building, call the porters on 02941 23265.

Fa­cil­it­ies and equip­ment

Computers for students are located on five floors. To use them, you need a user account for the University of Helsinki network.

There are printers on each floor, but only the printer on the ground floor is accessible with a wheelchair.

At the north end of the building, there is a wheelchair accessible lift which reaches the first floor, ground floor and the student lounge. The student lounge is accessible only with a night use key.

Accessible toilets can be found on the ground floor, first floor and third floor.

The porters can provide you with a portable induction loop.