Sprinkler system repair work in Kaisa House 2021

The reserve power engine of the sprinkler system will be lifted to the roof of Kaisa House, and Fabianinkatu will be partly closed in November 16-18. New sprinkler pumping stations will be tested between November 15 and December 3, causing occasional noise disturbance in the library.

Fabianinkatu is partly closed from Tuesday to Thursday in November 16-18.

The reserve power engine of the sprinkler system will be lifted to the roof of the Kaisa House, which is why Fabianinkatu will be closed in front of Aleksandria and Kaisa House.

  • The site workers are guiding visitors to the library and Aleksandria during the lifting work.
  • The overnight return machine next to the library's main entrance is not in use between 6 am to 6 pm.

New sprinkler pumping stations will be tested from Monday November 15, causing occasional noise disturbance in the Kaisa House.

During the first test runs will become clear how the sound is transmitted from the sprinkler room on the 2nd floor.

Repairs have been completed on all floors, and the collections and the facilities are available as usual.

  • K4 floor (repaired in October 4-24, 2021)
  • K3 floor (repaired in October 25 - November 5, 2021)
  • 2nd floor (repaired in May 19 - June 28, 2021)
  • 3rd floor (repaired in June 28 - July 25, 2021)
  • 4th floor (repaired in July 5 - August 22, 2021)
  • 5th floor (repaired in August 30 - September 26, 2021)
  • 6th floor (repaired in July 5 - September 7, 2021)
  • 7th floor (repaired in June 28 - July 25, 2021)

The sprinkler system will be repaired in stages on all floors of Kaisa House. The entirety of the repair work will take from May to December 2021.

  • The floors will not be closed completely, but the areas under repair will be closed off from the rest of the library.
  • The staircase in the middle of the building might be out of use for short periods of time, but at least one elevator will be available at all times.
  • The stacks, reading spaces and group study rooms will be temporarily out of use as the project advances, depending on which floor and area the repair work is carried out at any given time.
  • The stacks will be protected with coverings, which means they cannot be accessed during the repairs.

Con­tact infor­mation

Technical building services liaisons

Tapani Nousiainen

SRV Rakennus Oy


p. 040 777 0139

Jussi Tuomola

UH / Properties and Facilities


Library liaison

Ritva Hagelin



p. 02941 23872