ClinicalKey Student helps medical students to learn smarter, with access to hundreds of acclaimed textbooks, powerful study tools and a library of video resources.
- Full Medical Education catalogue Over 200 acclaimed textbooks covering 40 medical specialties, including Gray’s Anatomy for Students and Medical Physiology
- Videos Over 850 associated videos ranging from practical demonstrations of anatomical dissections to instructional clinical examination examples
- Images Over 85,000 images previously only available with each print title purchased, but now fully unlocked and discoverable for visual learning
- Quick access summaries Over 1,500 quick access summaries distilling complex medical conditions into easy-to-understand synopses
- Using ClinicalKey Student
- User Profiles: Users are required to create a personal profile to access any content on the site. A personal profile also enables users to use Bookshelf (with highlighting, note-making, and bookmarking functionality), share notes/highlighting, and export notes to OneNote.
- A free mobile app is available through iOS and Android app stores, search “ClinicalKey Student Bookshelf”.
- A desktop offline reader is available for Windows 10+ for PC from the Windows App Store and for Mac via this URL:
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