On Trial: Archives of Sexuality and Gender until 4 December

Gale’s Archives of Sexuality & Gender programme spans the sixteenth to the twentieth century and is the largest digital collection of primary source materials relating to the history and study of sex, sexuality and gender.

Archives of Sexuality & Gender offers a cross-cultural perspective on the study of sexuality & gender. It provides multiple perspectives on LGBTQ communities and experiences in the latter half of the twentieth century and beyond.

Collection offers detailed coverage of key figures, movements and events in LGBTQ history. Documentation of the archive covering social, political, health and legal issues impacting LGBTQ communities around the world is included, as well as rare and unique books on sex and sexuality from the sciences to the humanities. 

Send us feedback: e-library@helsinki.fi

Link to Archives of Sexuality & Gender in Helka

Gale Primary Sources at Guid­ance Corner on Nov 14 at 12-3 pm