Kaisa House sprinkler system repair work will move to the 5th floor in September. The entire floor is closed off until early October, only the staircase in the middle of the building is in use.
The art studies and languages stacks on the 5th floor will be out of use between August 30 - October 3, 2021. Material from the stacks cannot be borrowed during this time. There’s a notice in Helka database saying “Not available 30.8.-3.10."
You can make reservations for the books in the stacks via Helka, and they will be retrieved for you from September 6 onwards. You will receive an email notification from Helka when your reservation can be picked up as self-service from Kaisa House.
Also the fiction (no home loans) stacks on the 5th floor will be out of use between August 30 - October 3.
Reading areas, group study room 5005 and scanner room 5041 are out of use until October 31. Mobile storage units are temporarily transferred to the 3rd floor, where they are available as usual.