A Seminar on Bibliometrics on 12 April 2022 - Sign up now

The seminar on 12 April 2022 will be held at Minerva Plaza in Helsinki and online. The themes of the event this year are knowledge ecosystems and responsible evaluation.
The Seminar on Bibliometrics 2022

Time: 12 April 2022, 10.30am-14.30pm

Language: English / Finnish

Program: https://wiki.eduuni.fi/display/CSCbibliometriikka/Bibliometriikkaseminaari+2022

Place: Minerva Plaza, Siltavuorenpenger 5 A, Helsinki, K2 floor

& livestream https://video.helsinki.fi/unitube/live-stream.html?room=l5

Registration: https://link.webropol.com/s/bibliometriikkaseminaari2022

The Ministry of Education and Culture, FUN Finnish University Libraries’ Network, the Helsinki University Library, the Academy of Finland, and CSC - IT Center for Science will organize a seminar on bibliometrics on 12 April 2022.

The themes of the event this year are knowledge ecosystems and responsible evaluation. The seminar is intended for all people working with e.g. bibliometrics, research evaluation, and research administration.

Parts of the seminar will be in English and parts in Finnish.

The seminar is held at Minerva Plaza in Helsinki and will be streamed online.

The event is free of charge.
