Research Data Management basic lectures online

UH Data Support organises RDM basics lectures via zoom during Spring 2020. RDM Basics lecture is an introductory lecture to the key concepts and best practices of research data management.

The Data Support at the University of Helsinki organizes RDM Basics lectures with the same content throughout the year. See the spring schedule and registration on our website.

We will answer some central questions on data management, such as: How to define and describe research data? How to make them openly available and where to store them safely?

Events are open for all UH researchers, postgraduate students and staff members. The primary language of the lectures will be English except the Finnish lecture 15 April.

If you have any questions, please contact UH Data Support:

Personal guidance with DMPs instead of workshops

During spring 2020, University of Helsinki Data support will provide personal guidance with Data Management Planning instead of Data Management Plan workshops (DMP workshops). Please, contact us by email:

If this is the first time you are writing a DMP (Data Management Plan) or otherwise new to these issues, we recommend that you start with the RDM Basics lecture.

See also our guides: