Research Data Management Advanced webinar series starts in November

Research Data Management Advanced webinar series 2024 contains of four webinars where we go through key themes required in effective and ethically sound research data management.
Research Data Management Advanced webinar series 2024

University of Helsinki Data Support organizes four webinars on effective and responsible research data management. Webinars deepen the themes of Research Data Management Basics –lectures. Every session contains case studies and time for discussion to shed light on the issues and sometimes we recommend reading beforehand. 

Speakers include Helsinki University data support network specialists from IT services to lawyers and the library team. You can listen to all four to be inspired and informed or choose just one that is central to your project.  We will share all materials with participants.  

14.11.2024  9:00-11:00 Data protection and Ethics 

  • Handling personal information and ethical review in the context of responsible research.  
  • Registration in Lyyti.  

21.11.2024  12:00-14:00  Research Agreements, licencing and resources 

  • Agreeing on data and ownership, data reuse and allocating resources for data management.  
  • Registration in Lyyti

27.11.2024  12:00-14:00  Documentation, opening and long-term storage 

  • Tools and best practice for documentation, choosing a repository and options for long term storage. 
  • Registration in Lyyti.  

5.12.2024  10:00-12:00 Storage during project and AI Tools for data 

  • Storage options for the active research phase, version control and working with AI.  
  • Registration in Lyyti.  

You can attend all sessions or just the one most relevant to your project.  The webinar series will be held in English in the autumn and in Finnish in the spring.