The artwork presented in this exhibition has originally been compiled as a part of Six paths to sustainability, an interdisciplinary project funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation. The project is carried out by the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE in collaboration with the Finnish Expert Panel for Sustainable Development in 2021– 2022.
The aim of the project is to bring together experts from various disciplines with local residents from all over Finland and to create visual, verbal, and aural stories about sustainability transformation. Through these stories the project visions to create a shared understanding of what constitutes a sustainable society and identify potential bottlenecks hampering the transformation. To collect these narratives, workshops and exhibitions were held in different locations in Finland in 2021.
The collection of artwork presented here are infographics designed by the students at the University of Applied Sciences Metropolia. Finnish Expert Panel of Sustainable Development’s publication Six paths towards sustainability was used as an inspiration for Metropolia’s students to visualise sustainability transformation in e.g., food and energy system, and the economy. The exhibitions in 2021 included pictures that were collected from the general public via photo campaign. Today, the material is available on the website.
Final event of the project Youth’s Planet at Oodi
On the 26th of September, the closing event of the project will be organized at the Helsinki Central Library Oodi. The open event consists of a debate, and the screening of the movie 2040. In the debate, invited Members of the Finnish Parliament from different parliamentary groups answer youth’s questions on sustainability. At present, questions and thoughts are collected from youth via social media campaign. After the debate, a policy brief will be produced in cooperation with the youth and the Finnish Expert Panel on Sustainable Development.
(Text: Finnish Environment Institute SYKE)