On Sundays Kaisa House will function as a self-service library. The library’s customer service staff are not present during self-service hours. You can use Kaisa House WhatsApp (on 050 311 8035) or the service phone on the third floor counter to contact the staff if you are having problems with the check-out or return machines. The library phone service is also open from 11 am to 5 pm on 02941 23920.
At the self-service library, you can borrow and return material, use the library terminals, work and study. You also have access to the University of Helsinki wireless network. User instructions for the devices and facilities are provided on the premises and on the library website.
The collections and facilities are available to customers on floors 2-7, basement floors K3 and K4 are closed.
Entrance on Sundays is from Fabianinkatu or by lift from Kaisaniemenkatu (1st floor) or from University of Helsinki metro station (floor K1).