Guidance on Information Seeking at Kaisa and in Viikki

Do you want to ask how to find literature for your thesis, what databases to use or what is a reference management software? Have you perhaps already taken a library course but still need more help?

Welcome to the guidance workshop on information seeking! Just drop in and ask or stay longer making your information searches. You’ll get individual guidance.  

Center: Kaisa House, computer lab 5057 

Every Monday 3 pm – 5 pm  

13th of January – 8th of June 2020 (not 13th of April) 

Viikki: Viikki Campus Library, group study room 136 

Wednesday 29th of January 2020 3–4.30 pm 


No preregistration is needed. You can bring your laptop along with you. 


Guidance is primarily targeted for students and staff at the University of Helsinki.