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Ask about Asia resources:
Japan: Pekka Karhula (pekka.karhula [at]
Korea: Juha Leppämäki (juha.leppamaki [at]
China: Eeva Henriksson (eeva.henriksson [at]
We introduce you Asian resources at the Guidance Corner on Nov 21 at 12-1.30 pm. You can pop in for a moment or stay a little longer to search for information. No preknowledge of AsiaPortal is required. information retrieval specialists will lead you the way to Asian and especially Asiaportal resources. You can pop in for a moment or stay a little longer to search for specific information.
What is AsiaPortal?
The AsiaPortal functions both as a common access to information resources on Asia for the Nordic Asian studies community and as a platform for news and information about Nordic research and, foremost academic, activities on Asia in the Nordic region. The two main sections on the portal, E-resources and Nordic Perspectives, reflects these two functions of the portal. Members of Nordic NIAS Council have access to portal.
Resources in AsiaPortal are mostly from eastern Asia, but you can also find journals and databases from Southeast and South Asia. In Asia Portal you can find several Chinese, Korean and Japanese full text databases like China Academic Journals, DBpia and JapanKnowledge. See more infomation from the Asia Portal website. You can find and browse Asian resources also through our Asian research guide.