Do you need help with submitting your thesis?

Experts from Student Services and the Library will guide you through the thesis submission process via Zoom on May 14 at 1-3 pm!

Are you wondering about submitting your thesis? Do you have questions about when you'll get a proposal for your thesis grade, or how to publish your thesis in University’s publication repository? 

Experts from Student Services and the Library will meet you via Zoom and guide you through submitting your Master’s thesis! You can ask questions about thesis assessment, approval, publishing and archiving. If your thesis has already been approved, you can also permit its publication in the open publication repository. 

Thursday, May 14, between 1-3 pm 

You can join the Zoom event by clicking this link (password: 661313) 

Helpdesk’s instructions for using Zoom can be found here. 

You can drop by anytime between 1-3 pm. Welcome!