Come and ask about Open Science and library services - Open Science kiosks on all campuses!

During the International Open Access Week 2019 (21.-27.10) Helsinki University Library organizes Open Science Kiosk on all UH campuses. We warmly welcome all UH researchers and lectures as well as students to visit our kiosks!

You can ask anything about the Open Science themes or library services. We are happy to help you!

Kiosks’ business hours and places

Viikki Campus

Fri 18.10.2019  11.00-14.00 OA Track

(Route: Building B/Forest sciences, Building EE, Biocentre 3, Info centre Korona)

Meilahti Campus

Tue 22.10.2019  11.00-13.00 Biomedicum Helsinki 1 lobby, Haartmaninkatu 8

Kumpula Campus

Tue 22.10.2019  11.00-13.00 Physicum lobby

City Centre Campus

Thu 24.10.2019  12.00-14.00 Guidance Corner, Kaisa library, Fabianinkatu 30

Thu 24.10.2019  15.00-17.00 Think Corner, Hydda, Yliopistonkatu 4


The kiosks are part of the Open Access Week events in Helsinki University Library. To see all our events and timetables, please visit our guide.