Aleksandria reshapes - pop-up workshop on Wednesday 28.2.2024

Come to Aleksandria on Wednesday 28 February at 11-13 to learn about and contribute to the renovation plans.

 Which self-study spaces are particularly important to you for your studies and well-being? What do you want from the furniture and equipment of your self-study spaces? 

Aleksandria will be redesigned during the 2024-2025 academic year. The facilities for students to work independently will be updated to meet the needs of today's learning, which have emerged in recent years as distance learning has become more common. 

Now students and staff have the opportunity to have a say in what kind of facilities the learning centre will have in the future. The current floor plans of the renovation will be on display, as well as concept cards for the self-study spaces, which will be open for comments during the workshop. The event will be organized in cooperation with representatives of the Facilities and properties sector of UH, OPA, Tike and the library.

Welcome to the workshop on self-study spaces on Wednesday, February 28, at 11-13 on the 1st floor of Aleksandria.