The list will be updated, last update 2nd of June, 2020.
As a rule, the access to these additional publications is only available during the pandemic emergency. As the timing of access may vary from publisher to publisher, Helsinki University Library does not list these temporarily open publications in the Helka database. To access these resources you need to use OpenVPN hy-log in (not hy-tun).
List of publishers granting additional access:
- Elsevier now offers expanded access to all their ScienceDirect ebooks. Check the list on the publisher's website to see if you can find literature for your research or study.
- Duke University Press offers access to the e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection and the e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection. These collections are available on publisher's own ebook platform.
- Euclid Prime is a collection of 30 journals in the field of theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics.
- JSTOR offers access to journals and primary sources continues until the end of 2020. A set of e-books is also available until 30th June. Download a title list here.
- ProjectMuse offers broader access to their materials.
The following Bloomsbury Digital Resources are now available until the end of June 2020: Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers, Bloomsbury Food Library and E-book collections: Classical Studies, Education, Law, Philosophy.
SAGE offers access to these online resources: SAGE Video (more than 1,300 hours of streaming video across the social and health sciences), SAGE Research Methods Video (films on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research, including a full course’s worth of lessons on introductory statistics), SAGE Knowledge (more than 5,500 SAGE eBook and eReference content), SAGE support for online teaching
JoVe offers all Education -videos content to the researchers, students and teachers until 15.6. New eresources are Coronavirus resources, JoVe Core Biology, Social Psychology and Lab Manual.
The MIT Press is offering complimentary access to its catalog of eBooks on MIT Press Direct until the end of June 2020.
World Scientific Publishing has upgraded University of Helsinki journal access to one that includes all World Scientific journal content published from 2001. The access is available until July 31, 2020.
GeoScienceWorld book publishers have extended access to all of their ebooks through June 30, 2020
SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics): The SIAM Epidemiology Collection, focused on disease modeling, pandemics, and vaccines, is available for one year. And SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science continues to be available this year during its introductory launch period.
More than 500 key textbooks across Springer Nature’s eBook subject collections, from all disciplines available at SpringerLink platform.
EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate available until 30.6. 2020. Included are peer-reviewed journals from different subject areas among others Business Source Ultimate, Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate, Humanities Source Ultimate, Sociology Source Ultimate -databases.
Access to following Adam Matthews e-resources: American History, 1493-1945 - , American Indian Histories and Cultures, American Indian Newspapers, Colonial America, Module IV, East India Company, India Raj and Empire, Literary Print Culture, London Low Life, Victorian Popular Culture, Virginia Company Archives
Access to IEEE Xplore´s Now Publishers Foundations & Trends eBooks Collection
Wolters Kluwer Open Digital Book Platform with 2 500 ebooks available
Restrictions on the usage have also been removed from some of the ebooks previously purchased by the library. For example:
- Ebsco and ProQuest eBooks have temporary unrestricted access (unlimited number of licenses). You can find these books in the Helka database.
Publishers' browsing services may experience slowness due to the increased number of users, so please try again soon if you are unable to access the material immediately.
Many international publishers have also compiled and offering open access to many corona virus related articles and books.
Literature for degree requirements in Helka database
As usual, the electronic and printed literature included in the degree requirements of the University of Helsinki can be found in the Helka Library Database.
You do not need a VPN connection to use e-resources in Helka.
More information
For any questions regarding the use of e-materials at the University of Helsinki, please use the chat at the library's website, or email the librarian at