Kaisa-sali Furniture Arrangements

Alternative ways to furnish Kaisa Hall when renting the premises.

Kaisa-sali can be furnished in different ways depending on the nature of the event to be held there.

Up to 36 tables or 50 chairs can be set out in the hall. The hall can accommodate up to 50 people at the same time.

When making your reservation, please indicate on the reservation form which type of furnishing you require.

No tables, just chairs

The hall can be furnished with only movable chairs. The maximum number of chairs in the hall is 50.

Meeting room

Seating for up to 20 people.


Seating for up to  36 people.

Group Work: Smaller Groups

Seating for 24 people

  •     six tables
  •     four persons per table.
Group Work: Larger Groups

Seating for 32 people

  •     four tables
  •     eight persons per table.