
In the list below you can find the names of former HCAS fellows according to the fellowship program in which they participated. We publish short testimonials by HCAS alumni in the Alumni Gallery (click the menu link on the left-hand side of the screen).

The Core Fellowship Program is the basis of all HCAS activities and the majority of our fellows are appointed through it. Read more about the Core Fellowship.

Former Core Fellows:

  • Anneli Aejmelaeus, 08/2002–07/2006, Translation Technique and Textual Criticism of the Septuagint
  • Kimmo Alho, 09/2012–07/2014, Brain Activity during Social Perception and Decision Making
  • Mulki Al-Sharmani, 08/2010–07/2011, The Hermeneutics of 'Islamic Feminism'
  • Rani-Henrik Andersson, 09/2017–08/2020, Social Network Analysis and Computer Modeling in the Study of the Human Past: Three Case Studies on New Research Methods
  • Franco De Angelis, 08/2023–08/2024, Why Rome? A Long-Term Comparative Perspective 
  • Satu-Katri Apo, 08/2002–07/2003, European Fairy Tale Classics and the models of the ideal partner
  • Karen Armstrong, 08/2010–12/2012
  • Tatiana Artemyeva, 08/2010–07/2012
  • Laura Assmuth, 08/2003–07/2007, Transnational Lives: a comparative ethnography of communties at the Estonian-Russian and Latvian-Russian borders / “Ethnic and Local Identities at Post-soviet Borderlands” (2005)
  • Isabella Bakker, 09/2009–08/2010, The global crisis and global health / Towards a new common sense: the need for new paradigms of global health / Global Health and the Global Economic Crisis
  • Natalya Bekhta, 08/2019–08/2021, Alternative Communities: Irrealist Tropes and the Collective Imaginary on the Literary Semi-Periphery of Europe
  • Niko Besnier, 08/2019–08/2020, Utopia Modern: Palm Springs and the American Imaginary
  • Andreas Bieler, 08/2019–08/2020, Between Commodification and Commoning: Fighting for Public Water in Europe.
  • Adrian Blau, 08/2022–08/2023, Thought Experiments in Political Theory and Philosophy: A New Methodology
  • Sergei Bogatyrev, 09/2014–07/2015, Autumn in the Royal Garden: The Triumph and Demise of the First Russian Dynasty, 1498–1598
  • Elvira Brattico, 09/2014–05/2015, Culture and Aesthetics as Prerequisites for Brain-to-Brain Coupling and Interpersonal Interaction
  • Anna Breitkopf, 08/2006–07/2009
  • Keith Brown, 08/2021–08/2022, Democratic Alternatives: Oral History, Civil Society and the Practices of Pluralism  
  • Thomas Campbell, 08/2004–07/2007, Smiles, sounds and saxophones: Unconscious processing within the human brain
  • David Collins, 08/2020–08/2021, Disenchanting Albert: Magic in the Service of Disenchantment
  • Robert Collis, 10/2013–08/2014, Western Esotericism and the Russian Elite, 1689–1825
  • Cesare Cuttica, 09/2017–08/2018, Fighting the Monstrous 'Many-Headed Multitude': Anti-Democracy in Early Modern England 1558–1642
  • Istvan Czachesz, 09/2007–07/2010
  • Ann Dahlgren, 08/2005–07/2008 and 01/2010 - 07/2013, Spatial Moralities, Islam and the Public Sphere in the Middle East
  • Christine Daigle, 08/2020–08/2021, Rethinking the Human: Posthuman Vulnerability and its Ethical Potential
  • Kirby Deater-Deckard, 08/2023–07/2024, Individual and Context: Development of Individuality in Families in Finland and Nine Other Countries 
  • Thomas Devaney, 09/2015–07/2016, Emotion and Cross-Confessional Communities in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Iberia
  • Kathryn Edwards, 09/2011–06/2012
  • Erik Eliasson, 09/2014–07/2017, The Middle-Platonist theory of Fate
  • Elisabeth Engebretsen, 08/2011-07/2013, The cultural politics of sexuality, class, and space in the Chinese megacity
  • Charlotte Epstein, 01/2022–08/2023, Decolonizing Political Action 
  • Christophe Erismann, 09/2014-07/2017
  • Julen Etxable, 09/2014–07/2017, Judicial Dialogues and the Voices of Democracy
  • Pasi Falk, 08/2001–07/2006, DIGITAL HUBRIS - On the mental and moral dimensions of the computerised network society
  • Nicolas Faucher, 01/2020–08/2021, Manufacturing Belief in Latin Medieval Philosophy
  • Valentina Fava, 08/2009–04/2014
  • Kristin Ferebee, 08/2022–08/2023, Frontier of Unsettlement: New Organizations of Human-Nonhuman Nature in the Arctic Anthropocene 
  • Paul Frosh, 08/2023–08/2024, The Persistence of Media: The Memory of Photography in the Early 21st Century 
  • Sorin Gog, 09/2013–07/2014, Marginality, Bio-Politics and the Neo-Liberal Disempowerment of Roma: religious conversions to Pentecostalism and emerging narratives of social identity
  • Kateryna Golovina, 08/2020–06/2024, Psychosocial Factors Driving Fertility Decline in Finland and Other Nordic Countries
  • Tuula Gordon, 01/2002–12/2006, Becoming a National Citizen: Processes of Differentiation and Diversity
  • Andrew Graan, 01/2023–12/2024, Project Lessons: An Inquiry into the Past, Present and Future of the Project Form
  • Sean Griffin, 08/2021–08/2023, The Second Baptism of Rus: Cultural Memory After Communism 
  • Alexandra Grigorieva, 09/2014–07/2017, GASTEREA: Digital Diachronic Thesaurus of European Food Words from Antiquity to Modern Times
  • Jukka Gronow, 08/2002–07/2005, The Possibility of a Modern Society
  • Till Grune-Yanoff, 08/2008–12/2011, Understanding the Modelling Revolution in the Social Sciences
  • Ekaterina Gruzdeva, 08/2019–07/2021, A grammar of Nivkh, an isolate Paleosiberian language
  • Olga Gurova, 8/2009–07/2011
  • Pentti Haddington, 08/2009–07/2012, Being on the move: Mobility, language, embodied practices and social action in cars
  • Jari Hakanen, 09/2014–07/2016, Spirals of Work Engament and Flourishing Workplaces
  • Timothy Hall, 01/2005–12/2007, Ideologies and Environments in Anglo-Saxon England
  • Miia Halme-Tuomisaari, 09/2018–07/2020, Movement in the right direction: an ethnography of a human rights report 
  • Kirsten Haritaworn, 01/2010–12/2012
  • Klisala Harrison,  08/2012–7/2015, Sustainability and Indigenous Aesthetics: Musical Responses of Loss and Survival in Sámi and Native Canadian Theatre
  • Elina Hartikainen, 11/2016–08/2019, ”Women of Peace": Violence, Gender, and African Diasporic Religion in Salvador, Brazil
  • Nicole Hassoun, 08/2023–07/2024, Beyond the Pandemic: Health, Welfare, and Creative Resolve 
  • Ari Haukkala, 08/2019–07/2021, Disseminating heritable cancer risk information to relatives. Knowledge, duty, fear, guilt, and support in social networks
  • Sara Heinämaa, 08/2005–12/2009, Self and Other: Phenomenological Investigations into Sensibility, Spatiality and Difference / Ethics of Renewal: Person, Reason and Happiness (2008)
  • Christine Helmer, 09/2012–06/2013
  • Merja-Liisa Hinkkanen, 08/2001–12/2007, Invisible women on board. Finnish ship masters' wives at sea in late 19th century
  • Jaakko Hintikka, 09/2013–07/2016
  • Mirka Hintsanen, 08/2011–07/2013, Life-course development of psychosocial risk factors of precilinal cardiovascular disease: role of genotypes and adverse early environment
  • Josephine Hoegaerts, 09/2015–07/2017, Performance, Recording and Identity: Writing the Social History of the Human Voice
  • Paula Hohti, 08/2006–12/2012, The Italian Renaissance of Artisans and Shopkeepers: Culture and Experience / The Dress of an Artisan: Clothing, Identity and Fashion in Early Modern Europe
  • Eva Johanna Holmberg, 09/2013–07/2016, Experiences and Practices of British Travel: A Cultural History, 1500–1700
  • Elisabeth Holmqvist-Sipilä, 09/2018–07/2020, No (Viking) Man's Land? Materialising East-West Mobility on the Finnish Baltic Coast ca. 800-1000 CE 
  • Peter Holquist, 09/2018–01/2019, By Right of War: The Role of Imperial Russia in the Codification and Practice of International Law of War, 1868-1917
  • Lahja Honkasalo, 08/2004–10/2007, An inquiry into uncertainty. Ethnographies of illness experiences in contemporary Finnish culture
  • Ted Hopf, 08/2021–08/2022, A Constructivist History of Khrushchev's Cold War, 1958-64
  • Minna Huotilainen, 08/2003–04/2006, The Learning Child – the Plastic Brain
  • Samuli Hurri, 09/2014–07/2017, Law as resistance
  • Charles Husband, 08/2008–07/2011, Multiculturalism, Citizenship and the Public Sphere: A European Dilemma
  • Liisa Husu, 08/2003–07/2005, Gendering Scientific Community: Research Careers, Gate-keeping and the Construction of Excellence
  • Matti Hyvärinen, 08/2003–07/2005, The Conceptual History of the Narrative
  • Sampsa Hyysalo, 01/2010–12/2011, Interaction and Learning in the Development and Use of New Health Care Technologies
  • Nora Hämäläinen, 09/2013–08/2016, The Making of the Good Person – Moral philosophy, Self-help and Technologies of the Self
  • Pekka Hämäläinen, 08/2003–07/2005, The Comanche Empire: Frontiers, Borderlands, and Indigenous Power on the Southern Plains, in the Southwest, and in Northern Mexico, 1700-1875
  • Visa Immonen, 08/2011–07/2014, The Middle Ages as a Material Process: Archaeological Perspectives on Premodernity
  • Mari Isoaho, 08/2008–07/2011, Writing down the Wrath between the Sons of Abraham: The Controversy between Russian Medieval Sources and Everyday Practice
  • Jutta Jokiranta, 08/2007–07/2010, Explaining the Qumran Movement: Identity, Ritual, and Memory
  • Hanna Järvinen, 01/2007–08/2007, Performing Genius. Star performers, their audience, and authorship c. 1885-1925
  • Timo Kaartinen, 09/2014–07/2016, Nature Making, Land Conversion and the Global Resource Economy
  • Maijastina Kahlos
    • 08/2011–07/2014, Rhetoric and Realities in the Late Roman Empire: Imperial and Ecclesiastical Discourses of Control and Religious Dissenters in the Years 300 to 450
    • 08/2019–08/2021, Waiting for Barbarians, Recognizing Immigrants, Making Romans: Roman Ambiguities and the Uses of Barbarians in the Political, Social and Religious Struggles in Late Antiquity (300–600)
  • Tuukka Kaidesoja, 08/2019–08/2021, Cognitive Sociology: What, Why and How?
  • Mika Kajava, 08/2001–07/2004, Gods and Emperors - Myth, Politics and Religion in Roman Greece
  • Harri Kalha, 08/2002–07/2005, Reading "Enckell"
  • Kalle Kananoja, 09/2016–09/2017, Medical Pluralism in West Central Africa 1500–1850
  • Sini Kangas, 08/2008–07/2010, Children in Holy War c. 1100–1300
  • Klaus Karttunen, 08/2004–07/2006, India and Graeco-Roman Antiquity
  • Tuukka Kauhanen, 01/2005–02/2007
  • Leena Kaunonen, 08/2010–07/2011, Intermediality and Modernism in Post-War Finnish Poetry
  • Juliette Kennedy, 09/2013–07/2015, Content, Formalization and Formalism Freeness
  • Maria Khachaturyan, 08/2020–03/2024, Bilingualism at home and in church:  a holistic study of language contact in social contexts 
  • Dina Khapaeva, 08/2009–08/2012
  • Anna Kharanauli, 08/2013–07/2014
  • Ilkka Kiema, 09/2013–07/2015, Capital Requirements, the Stability of the Banking Sector, and Debt Crises
  • Sari Kivistö, 08/2004–07/2016, Deputy Director, Conflicting Disciplines in Early Modern Satire
  • Tarja Knuuttila, 08/2011–07/2014, The Epistemology of Model-based Theoretical Practice: Cross-disciplinary Modeling Methods, Representational Tools, Expertise
  • Alexander Knysh, 09/2014–06/2015, Sufism: A New History of Islamic Mysticism
  • Leszek Koczanowicz, 09/2015–06/2016
  • Nikolay Koposov, 08/2009–08/2012
  • Anu Korhonen, 08/2003–07/2006, Heavenly Bodies: A Cultural History of Looking Good in Early Modern England
  • Kuisma Korhonen, 08/2003–07/2006, Poetics of Encounters
  • Mia Korpiola, 08/2010–07/2013
  • Toomas Kotkas, 08/2005–07/2008, The History of Police Regulation in Early Modern Finland – The Emergence of Bio-power
  • Monika Krause, 09/2016–07/2017, Triaging Values: How NGOs manage Commitments
  • Anna Kuismin, 08/2010–07/2013
  • Teija Kujala, 08/2001–07/2005, Brain plasticity in speech perception and its disorders
  • Visa Kurki, 09/2018–08/2019, Companies, Accomplices and Institutions-Group Agents in Law
  • Charles Kurth, 08/2022–07/2024, Taming the Passions: Emotion Cultivation and the Development of Moral Agency
  • Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen, 09/2013–06/2014, Postnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography
  • Minna Laakso, 08/2005–07/2008, Children’s Emerging and Developing Repair Practices in Interaction
  • Klaus Laalo, 09/2014–07/2016, From Protomorphology to Morphology Proper in Finnish Child Language
  • Jari Lahti, 09/2015–07/2018, Early life stress, epigenome, and genome in depression and related cardiometabolic risk
  • Anu Lahtinen, 01/2010–05/2013, Gendered agency. Access to and the use of power in a sixteenth century Nordic local community
  • Michael Langlois, 09/2018–07/2020, The Alphabet: History and Development in the First Millennium BCE Levant
  • Aila Lauha, 01/2001–12/2002, Churches and European Integration and "Churches and Cold War"
  • Minna Lehtonen, 08/2008–07/2011, Words and their parts: the mental representation of lexical information
  • Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen, 01/2005–07/2008 and 9/2012 - 7/2014, Commodifying Life and Death. An Ethnography on Private Life Insurance Markets
  • Sointu Leikas, 07/2012–08/2013
  • Nathan Lillie, 08/2004–07/2007, Transnational work and the evolution of sovereignty
  • Susanna Lindberg, 09/2017–08/2020, Technological Humanity 
  • Ilkka Lindstedt, 09/2016–01/2019, Early Islamic rock inscriptions as historical sources
  • Xin Liu, 04/2020–02/2022, Ecological Assetization: New Configurations of Economy and Ecology
  • Markku Lonkila, 08/2001–07/2005, Finland and Russia in the 'Network Society': Studying preconditions for collective action through micro-level comparison of social networks in Helsinki and St. Petersburg
  • Alejandro Lorite Escorihuela, 08/2011–07/2013, The global governance of animal death
  • Petri Luomanen, 08/2003–07/2005, Early Jewish Christianity and Society
  • Friederike Lüpke, 08/2023–07/2024, Convivial multilingualism in language, society and education 
  • Juha Manninen, 01/2005–12/2009, Developments and Tensions in the Vienna Circle
  • Anais Marin, 08/2008–07/2010, Central and Eastern European Border Cities (with)in the Wider Europe. Cross-border Cooperation and Urban Networks as Paradiplomatic Contributions to Good-Neighbourhood: Comparing Bottom-up Influence on Foreign Policy Decision-making
  • Pekka Martikainen, 08/2005–07/2008, Social Determinants of Health, Functioning, Institutional Care and Mortality in Ageing Populations
  • Robert Mason, 08/2021–08/2022, The politics of the gender gap in voting: the case of the United States in comparative perspective, c. 1968–c. 2000
  • Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz, 09/2018–07/2020, Materialising and Tracing Roman Sea Trade Law (2nd cent BC-3rd cent. AD)
  • Antti Matikkala, 08/2009–07/2012, The Diplomatic Exchange of Honours in Early Modern Europe
  • Raija Mattila, 08/2004–03/2005, Egyptians in Mesopotamia. A study of Egyptians and their names in Assyrian and Babylonian cuneiform sources of the 1st millennium BC
  • Rajkishor Meher, 09/2007–08/2008, Development or Livelihood Insecurity? A Sociological Study of Involuntarily Displaced Persons by the Mineral-based Industries in the Tribal Belt of India
  • Sakari Melander, 09/2013–04/2014, The Theory of Multilevel Criminal Law - Interactive National, Regional and International Regimes
  • Anneli Meurman-Solin, 08/2002–07/2007, Linguistic Computing and Variationist Language Typology
  • Matti Miestamo, 08/2006–08/2011, Symmetric and Asymmetric Structures: Patterns of Typological Markedness in Negation and Interrogation / Symmetry, Asymmetry and Typological Markedness with a Special Focus on Polar Interrogation and Non-Declarative Negation / Asymmetry between marked vs. unmarked structures, with a special focus on imperatives vs. declaratives
  • Heikki Mikkeli, 08/2006–07/2007
  • Kai Mikkonen, 08/2003–07/2006, Resisting Narrative in Modernist travel
  • Julia Moeller, 03/2014–12/2014
  • Ryan Mullins, 08/2020–08/2022, From Divine Timemaker to Divine Watchmaker 
  • Marianna Muravyeva, 08/2009–07/2011, Criminalising sexuality in 18th century Europe
  • Juri Mykkänen, 08/2003–07/2006, Leadership and the Perception of Social Mechanisms among the Political Elites in Finland
  • Arto Myllykoski, 08/2001–07/2004, Reconstructing the Earliest Christian Community
  • Katariina Mäkinen, 09/2013–12/2015, Affective Processes of Silencing Class in the Finnish Anti-Immigration Debate
  • Virpi Mäkinen, 08/2001–07/2007 and 01/2010 - 07/2012, Early Modern Ideas on Individual Rights and Their Late Medieval Background
  • Sara Negri, 09/2014–07/2016, Studies in logical epistemology: Foundations and analytic method for dynamic and collective notions
  • Andrew Nestingen, 08/2008–07/2009, The Cinema of Aki Kaurismäki: Shadows and Paradise
  • Andrew Newby, 08/2010–07/2012
  • Taru Niemi, 08/2002–07/2004
  • Johanna Niemi-Kiesiläinen, 08/2002–07/2004, Revisiting Principles of Procedural Law
  • Kati Nieminen, 09/2021–08/2022, Appropriated narratives of resistance 
  • Markku Niemivirta, 08/2001–07/2004 and 01/2010 – 08/2012, Motivation in action: The role of individual, contextual, and cultural differences
  • Alexandre Nikolaev, 09/2017–08/2020, Morphological Language Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease 
  • Silva Nurmio, 09/2018–07/2020, The typology of singulatives: Definition, Distribution and Diachrony
  • Anja Nygren, 09/2013–07/2014, Governance, Vulnerability and Rights to Justice in Southern Cities
  • Lilian O'Brien, 09/2022–07/2024, The Committed Mind 
  • Donncha O Cathasaigh, 09/2012–06/2013
  • Venla Oikkonen, 09/2016–08/2018, Vaccines as Technologies of Difference in the Cultural Debate about Immunization
  • Mika Ojakangas, 08/2002–07/2005 and 01/2010 - 07/2010, Revisiting Principles of Procedural Law
  • Douglas Olson, 09/2016–07/2017, A New Edition of Athenaeus' Deipnosophistai
  • Susanna Paasonen, 08/2007–12/2010, Internet Research, Pornography and the Strategies of Reading
  • Päivi Pahta, 08/2001–07/2006, On the Evolution of English Medical Writing
  • Minna Palander-Collin, 08/2007–07/2010, Language Variation and Change in Social Context: Constructing Identities in Written English 1450–1900
  • Ritva Palmén, 09/2017–08/2020, The Salutary Power of Negative Emotions in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
  • Dmitry Panchenko, 08/2008–07/2010, The Intellectual Exchange between the West and the East in the First Millennium BC
  • Heikki Patomäki, 08/2006–07/2008, Democracy and Global Political Economy; 01–12/2022, World Statehood: The Future of World Politics
  • Risto Pennanen, 08/2008–07/2010, Colonial Representations on Music and Discipline Exerted over Professional Musicians during the Period of Austro-Hungarian Rule (1878-1918) in Bosnia-Hercegovina
  • Tuomas Pernu, 08/2019–08/2021, Agency and Free Will in a Physical World
  • Hanna Perttilä, 09/2004–11/2006
  • Anssi Peräkylä, 08/2009–07/2012 and 09/2018 - 12/2018, Self and diagnosis: a sociological study
  • Anne Pessi, 01/2005–12/2009 and 1/2010 – 07/2013
  • Bo Pettersson, 10/2010–04/2011, The New Humanities and the New Aesthetics
  • Anat Pick, 08/2021–08/2022, Simone Weil and Cinema: Looking, Eating, Letting Be
  • Erja Pietilä, 01/2010–07/2013, Globalization of African Music: Networks for South African and Senegalese Music
  • Merja Polvinen, 09/2013–07/2016, Metafiction, Cognition and the Experience of Literature
  • Kinga Polynczuk-Alenius, 08/2019–08/2021, Racism without others: Everyday mediations in Poland
  • Tom Popkewitz, 08/2004–06/2005
  • Sergei Prozorov, 01/2010–10/2010, Community beyond Identity: Rethinking Universalism in World Politics
  • Laura Pulkki-Råback, 09/2014–07/2017, Positive well-being and geographical and socioeconomic differences in the Finnish population
  • Florencia Quesada Avendaño, 09/2016–07/2019, Minervas, modernization, and the transformation of Guatemala City (1870-1930)
  • Panu Raatikainen, 08/2001–07/2005, Causation in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Simon Rabinovitch, 08/2011–07/2012, Autonomism and the Origins of Jewish nationalism in the late imperial and revolutionary Russia
  • Jani Raerinne, 09/2018–07/2020
  • Anu Raunio, 09/2014–07/2015, On the Reverse Grand Tour: Early Modern Travel Accounts and the Far North
  • Niklas Ravaja, 08/2016–11/2017, The virtual Midas touch: The effects of cybertouch on social decision making
  • Katja Ritari, 09/2014–12/2017, How to Become a Christian? The making of a Christian Community in Early Medieval Ireland
  • Hanna-Riikka Roine, 09/2017–08/2020, Convergent Worlds in the Digital Age. New Forms of Participation and Sharing in Transmedial Environments 
  • Kristina Rolin, 09/2014–07/2016 and 09/2018 - 07/2020, Political Philosophy of Scientific Knowledge
  • Riikka Rossi, 09/2013–07/2014, Representations of the Primitive in the Finnish National Imagination
  • Anna Rotkirch, 08/2001–07/2003, Timeless time, placeless work? Recombining work and care in Finland, Russia and France
  • Magnus Ryner, 08/2020–08/2021, Lost Decades: Germany, the United States and the Political Economy of Transatlantic Relations after Bretton Woods
  • Janne Saarikivi, 09/2014–07/2017, Towards the typology of etymologies. A comparative analysis of the development of selected words and concepts in ten Uralic and Indo-European languages
  • Jussi Saarinen, 08/2004–07/2005, Perception of shape in human vision. Is the whole more than the sum of its parts?
  • Risto Saarinen, 08/2006–07/2008, Weakness of Will in Renaissance and Reformation Thought
  • Kari Saastamoinen, 08/2007–07/2010
  • Jens Sahlström, 08/2007–07/2010
  • Mikko Saikku, 09/2014–07/2016, Manly Nations through Nature: Hunting, Fishing, and the Wilderness Idea in North America and the Nordic Countries
  • Mikko Salmela, 08/2004–07/2006, Individual and Collective Emotions
  • Katariina Salmela-Aro, 08/2003–07/2005 and 08/2009-07/2012, Goal Disengagement Process / Towards a new science of academic engagement
  • Suvi-Tuulia Salmenniemi, 08/2008–12/2009, Self-help and Conceptions of a ‘Good Life’ in Finland and Russia
  • Marjut Salokannel, 08/2005–05/2010, For the Free Exchange of Ideas: Intellectual Property Rights and Scientific Research
  • Sami-Juhani Savonius-Wroth, 08/2006–07/2009
  • Marc Schalenberg, 08/2008–07/2010, Encapsulations: The Construction and Diffusion of 'Urban Icons' in German Capitals, 1648-1848
  • William Michael (Mike) Schmidli, 09/2016–07/2017, We Win and They Lose: the Reagan Administration's Project Democracy and the End of the Cold War
  • Silviya Serafimova, 09/2014–06/2015
  • Sandro Sessarego, 01/2017–08/2018, Afro-Veracruz Spanish
  • Louise Settle, 01/2020–12/2021, Unruly Emotions: Changing Emotional Cultures of Married Life in Britain, 1945-2000
  • Cris Shore, 08/2022–08/2023, Metricised Management, Market-Making and University Futures
  • Wasiq Silan, 08/2022–12/2023, Care in Relationships: Re-centering Indigenous Older Women's Voices  
  • José Filipe Pereira da Silva, 08/2011–07/2014, Medieval Theories of Active Perception From Augustine to Giles of Rome
  • Juha Siltala, 08/2001–07/2002, Emotional economy during expansion and shrinkage of the western middle classes
  • Jaana Simola,  09/2019–08/2021, When attention wanders: Neurocognitive basis of fluctuations in attention
  • Kaius Sinnemäki, 09/2013–07/2016, The Functional-Adaptive Nature of Grammar: To what Extent and why Linguistic Patterns across Languages Adapt to other Linguistic Patterns and to Sociocultural Environment
  • Karoliina Snell, 09/2018–12/2019, Moral (de)contextualisation of health data use
  • Hanna Snellman, 01/2008–12/2008, From the Kitchen to the Board Room: Finnish Women in Sweden
  • Friedrich Stadler, 10/2006–9/2007, Transfer, Transformation and Return of Philosophy of Science, 1930-1970
  • Koen Stapelbroek, 01/2009–12/2011, The Armed Neutrality of 1780-3: Commerce, Conquest and Universal Society
  • Laura Stark, 08/2003–07/2005, The Shaping of the Modern Self in Finland 1860-1960
  • Merja Stenroos, 08/2022–08/2023, Micro-patterns as a method for reconstructing linguistic pasts 
  • Eila Stepanova, 09/2017–08/2020, The Creation of Continuing Bonds by Karelian Immigrants and Their Descendants in Finland
  • Darin Stephanov, 09/2012–07/2014, Images of Rulership, Practices of Monarchic/Dynastic Celebration, and Their Nationalizing Effects in the Late Ottoman and Russian Empires, 1825–1908
  • Juhani Sulkunen, 01/2012–07/2014, Theories of addiction and images of addictive behaviors
  • Ilya Sverdlov, 01/2017–03/2020, The Birth of Poetic Language. Syntax & Meter through the Ages and between Cultures in Medieval Scandinavia and England: a New Digital Humanities Research Tool
  • Piotr Swirski, 08/2010–12/2012
  • Liisa Tainio, 08/2004–07/2007, Classroom interaction and discipline management
  • Joona Taipale, 01/2011–01/2013, Social cognition: Challenges and perspectives
  • Marja Taivalkoski-Shilov, 08/2005–11/2009, Voice and Difference. Speech Representation and Otherness in Eighteenth-century French and English Novels and Their Translations
  • Mark Taylor, 01/2003–12/2004, Decolonizing Spirituality: Theorizing Sacred Sites of Liberation
  • Teivo Teivainen, 09/2014–07/2016, Dilemmas of Democracy in Transnational Social Movements: Toward a Global Theory of Non-State Representation
  • Tuomas Tepora, 09/2015–07/2018, Emotional Investment and the Nation: The Personality Cult of C.G.E. Mannerheim
  • Ian Thatcher, 09/2012–07/2014, The Russian Provisional Government 1917
  • Jouni Tilli, 09/2016–07/2019, The Rhetorical Politics of Lutheran Pastoral Power, the case of Finland 1945–2014
  • Kirsi Tirri, 09/2017–08/2019, Changing Mindsets about Learning: Connecting Psychological, Educational and Neuroscientific Evidence (CoPErNicus)
  • Heli Tissari, 08/2004–07/2007, A welcome experience? Conceptualising and evaluating emotions in English, 1500–2005
  • Tero Toivanen, 08/2021–08/2024, The Climate of the Far Right – Ideological and Materialist Articulations of Environmentalism in the Finnish and European Far Right 
  • Susanne Toivonen, 09/2013–05/2014, Working Conditions and Health
  • Mikko Tolonen, 09/2012–02/2015, Writing the History of Civil Society in the Scottish Enlightenment
  • Flutur Troshani, 09/2014–10/2015, Appropriative Dynamics in Computational Poetry
  • Henning Trüper, 09/2016–07/2019, Saving Lives from Shipwreck on the Shores of Modern Europe
  • Raimo Tuomela, 08/2001–07/2002 and 08/2003 - 07/2004,  The Philosophy of Collective Action and Sociality
  • Miira Tuominen, 08/2006–07/2008
  • Kaarlo Tuori, 08/2001–07/2002, The Law of Legal Science – The Law of Social Science
  • Aleksandra Urakova, 09/2018–07/2020, Gifts, Gift Economies, and Nineteenth Century American Literature in Anthropological Perspective
  • Risto Uro, 08/2004–07/2005, Imagistic traditions in Early Christianity
  • Anna Usacheva, 09/2018–07/2020, Physiology of the Human Cognition in the Scientific, Theological and Monastic Contexts of Late Antiquity
  • Elisa Uusimäki, 09/2018–12/2019, Ancestral Virtue in Early Jewish Literature
  • Lari Vainio, 09/2018–07/2020, Grounding of prosody on motor processes
  • William van Andringa, 09/2011–06/2012 and 09/2015–07/2017, Archaeology
  • Karen Vedel, 09/2006–08/2008
  • Liubov Vetoshkina, 08/2022–08/2023, Capturing transformation of academic work with digital materiality 
  • Jaana Viljaranta, 09/2015–07/2017
  • Jani Vuolteenaho, 08/2010–07/2013
  • Veronica Walker Vadillo, 09/2018–07/2020, Human-environment interactions: Nomadic fishing communities and state development in the Lower Mekong Basin
  • Thomas Wallgren, 08/2011–07/2013, Socratic Interventions
  • Peggy Watson, 09/2013–07/2015, The Political and Moral Economy of Health Care in Poland
  • Hadas Weiss, 09/2012–07/2014, Financialization and the Middleclass
  • Árpád Welker, 01/2005–12/2005
  • Mariëlle Wijermars, 09/2022–08/2023, The Platformisation of Authoritarian Control in Russia 
  • Mari Wiklund, 09/2015–11/2019, Interaction of Preadolescents with Autism - Focus on Speech Prosody, Gaze Behavior and Misunderstanding Situations
  • Kendra Willson, 09/2012–07/2014, Control of personal names: language, citizenship and identity
  • Gereon Wolters, 01/2009–12/2010, Pious Knowledge? Christianity and Evolution
  • Sirpa Wrede, 08/2011–07/2013, Managing New Multiculturality through welfare professionalism: the shaping of the expertise in migration and migrants in a glocalising welfare system
  • Linda Yarr, 08/2004–12/2004 and 09/2009 - 08/2010, Gender Mainstreaming in International Affairs / Gender and Climate Change / Vietnam: Nuclear Ambitions and Domestic Dynamics / Innovations in public participation for sustainability and resilience in Hanoi
  • Petri Ylikoski, 08/2003–07/2006, Explanation in the Social Science
  • Soile Ylivuori, 09/2021–08/2022, Electrifying Bodies: Electric Medicine, Gender, and Knowledge in the British Atlantic World, c.1740-1800
  • Hanna Ylöstalo,  09/2017–09/2019, Missing "Plan F" - A Battle between Knowledge, Economy and Equality in the Changing Welfare State
  • Alexey Yurchak, 08/2012–07/2013, Lenin's Two Bodies: The Hidden Science of Communist Immortality
  • Alexei Zadorozhny, 09/2018–07/2020, The Uses of Antiquity in Imperial Russia, 1801-1837  

The postdoctoral fellowship in the arts aims to develop new forms of cooperation and dialogue between art and scholarship.  Read more about the postdoctoral fellowship in the arts.¨


  • Astrid Joutseno: "Inheriting Grief: Academic and Artistic Research into Musical Kinship"


  • Mark Aitken: "The Presence of Absence: Trauma, empathy and Sámi knowledge in the age of Arctic exploitation"
  • Thomas Cardwell: "On Patches and Paintings: The Heavy Metal Battle Jacket as Mnemosyne Atlas"


  • Ayesha Hameed: "Land-line"


  • Pedro Oli­veira: "On Temporalities of (Colonial) Sonic Biometrics"


  • Matti Kangaskoski: "Poetics of the Future: Logic of Selection, Cultural Interfaces, and Literary Production in the Age of Digital Media"
  • Minou Norouzi: "Revolutionary Patience: The Ethics of Non-interventionist Documentary Encounters"


  • Matthias de Groof:  "Audiovisual Work and Book Publication on the Iconography of Patrice Lumumba in the Arts"
  • David Ashley Kerr: "I’ll Be Your Mirror: The Performed Gaze in Contemporary Photomedia Art"


  • Tero Nauha: “Non-standard Performance: body and performance in conjunction with the posthumanist philosophy and artistic research”
  • Annette Arlander: “Performing with plants”


  • Esthir Lemi:  “The Parenthetical Window: Performing in a full Multimodal Artificial Environment adapted to the Circadian Rhythm”
  • Maija Timonen: “The Defrosted Father - Vicissitudes of Family in Economic Crisis”


  • Lea Kantonen: “Performing the Multilingual Museum: Collaborative Planning and Documentation”
  • Taina Riikonen: “Philosopher’s voice as Experimental Radiophony"

The Erik Allardt Fellowship promotes strong academic and cultural exchange between Finland and Sweden within a context of high-quality research in the social and human sciences. Read more about the Erik Allardt Fellowship.

Former Erik Al­lardt Fel­lows:

  • Karl Axelsson (Spring 2024): The Beauty of Nature: Shaftesbury and the Origins of Environmental Aesthetics 
  • Mia Lövheim (Fall 2023–February 2024): Mediatization and “Complementary learning processes”: Rethinking Discourses in the Portrayal of Religion in the Media 
  • Stefan Gelfgren (Spring 2022): Why do Christian churches build congregations online – or not!
  • Maria Kuteeva (Fall 2021): A Bakhtinian analysis of struggles over language in multilingual university settings
  • Frans Svensson (2020–2021): Descartes’ Ethical Perfectionism
  • Kerstin Enflo (Spring 2020): Long run regional growth and development in the Nordic area (Economic history)
  • Robert Appelbaum (Fall 2019): The Renaissance Discovery of Violence, from Boccaccio to Shakespeare (Literary studies)
  • Margrit Shildrick (Spring 2019): The meaning and significance of prostheses: microchimerism and the posthuman future of embodiment
  • Mika Vähäkangas (Spring 2019): Theology between Text and Orality: The Kimbanguist Doctrine of Incarnation
  • Ugo Corte (Fall 2017 – Spring 2018): Riding Culture: Collaborative Creativity, Risk-Taking, and Fun in Big Wave Surfing
  • Niklas A. Forsberg (Fall 2016 - Spring 2017): J. L. Austin and the Return to the Realities We Use Words to Talk About
  • Olof Heilo (2016): Beyond Orientalism: Byzantium and the Historical Contextualisation of Islam
  • Li Bennich-Björkman (Spring 2016): Existential Resistance and the Transition to Pluralism in Soviet West
  • Pauliina Remes (Fall 2015): From Conversational Norms to What It Is to Be a Person A Study on Plato
  • Josef Eskhult (Fall 2014 - Spring 2015): The Historical Dimension of Languages in the Linguistic Horizon and the Meta-Linguistic Reflection of the European Renaissance (1350-1675)
  • Susanna Toivanen (2013-2014): Working conditions and health among the self-employed – the role of industry, gender and country of birth
  • Sven Eliaeson (Fall 2013)
  • Andras Szigeti (Fall 2012)
  • Bengt Hansson (Fall 2012)
  • Mathias Persson (Fall 2011)
  • Frank Zenker (Spring 2011)

Since 2004, the Kone Foundation has been funding a visiting scholar programme targeting Baltic, Belorussian, Ukrainian and Russian scholars. The fellowship program has resulted in lasting research cooperation and friendships between Kone Foundation Fellows and Finnish researchers. This cooperation has extended far beyond the walls of the Collegium to include departments from the University of Helsinki, other Finnish universities and EU funding programs. Read more about the Kone Foundation Fellowship.

Former Kone Foundation Fellows:

Fall 2024
  • Peeter Selg: Beyond wickedness: a relational explanation of the loss of failure as the central problem in modern political theory and practice
  • Oleksiy Tolochko: Saints, Relics, and Miracles in Medieval Rus’ 
Fall 2022–Spring 2024:
  • Danila Raskov: Cameralist Turn in Northern Europe: the Birth of Police State and Political Economy 
Fall 2022–Fall 2023:
  • Anton Kotenko: National territorialisation of Ukraine, 1860–1921
Spring 2023:
  • Vlada Baranova: Language activism, education and revitalization of minority languages in Russia
  • Maria Konoshenko: Patterns of multilingualism in Guinean pop music
  • Anu Realo: Personal Responsibility and Interpersonal Trust in Uncertain Times
  • Olga Tkach: Revising conviviality: migrancy, neighbouring and home cultures in Finland
Fall 2022–Spring 2023:
  • Sergei Medvedev: FROM MEMORY WAR TO HOT WAR. Geopolitics of Nostalgia in Russia’s War in Ukraine
  • Anna Sokolova: On the Edge of Socialism: State Institutes and Everyday Life on the Late Soviet Periphery
Fall 2022:
  • Eve Eisenschmidt: Building Flexible Learning Paths for basic schools in Estonia implementing phenomenon-based learning – school level opportunities and challenges
  • Irina Golovacheva: Anti-Todorov: Theories of the Fantastic Reassessed
  • Benjamin Klasche: Decolonizing International Relations: A Global IR Theory Requires Global Knowledge
Spring 2022:
  • Konstantin Zamyatin: Language Policies in the Finno-Ugric Republics of Russia: Revivalism Revisited
Fall 2021:
  • Ana­stasia Fe­dotova: Red deer and Russian aristocracy in the long 19th century (In cooperation with Dr.habil. Tomasz Samojlik, MRI PAS, Białowieża)
  • Ur­mas Sutrop: What motives make a narrative a Snow White fairy tale (type ATU 709) and which colours does the tale contain?
  • Denys Tep­tiuk: Perspective shift via sensitive referential devices in reported speech constructions of Finno-Ugric languages
Spring 2021:
  • Airi-Alina Allaste: Youth political participation via social media
  • Maria Pupynina: Multilingual areas in North Asia: Reconstructing interethnic communication patterns of traditional communities
  • Thomas-Andreas Põder: The Dynamics and Varieties of Religion in Semiosphere
Fall 2020:
  • Dmitry Dubrovsky: HISTORY ON TRIAL: Russian memorial laws and counter-extremism litigation
  • Kirsti Jõesalu: Remembering and staging communism at (East) European museums: the case of Estonian history and cultural museums in comparative approach
  • Liia Rebane: 16th Century Bookbindings of the National Library of Finland
  • Gustavs Strenga: How to speak with Russians? A language of diplomatic gift-exchange between Livonians, Hanseatics and Muscovites during the late 15th and 16th centuries
  • Margit Sutrop: Trust in artificial intelligence. A Philosophical Analysis
Spring 2020:
  • Alexander Sergunin: Corporate social and environmental responsibilities of energy companies: the case of Russia's Arctic
  • Margit Sutrop: Trust in artificial intelligence. A Philosophical Analysis
Fall 2019:
  • Elena Cirkovic: Space, Ice, Artificial Intelligence, and the Final Frontiers of International Laws Universality: the Cosmolegal
  • Eneken Laanes: Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena
Spring 2019:
  • Anastasia Eseleva: The Passivization of the English Verb HAVE from Old to Present-Day English: a corpus-based study
  • Evgeny Kazartsev: Iambic Verse in the Early Modern European Poetry
  • Dmytro Khutkyy: Global Development Agenda: Aspirations of Multilateral Organisations and Citizens
  • Kaarel Piirimäe: The New European Order and the Baltic "Litmus Test":  Existential fears, ideas on security and Estonian-Russian relations in the 1990s
Fall 2018:
  • Darius Daukšas: Transnationalism, Deterritorialization and Citizenship: The Case of Central and Northern Europe
  • Äli Leijen: Interventions for supporting teachers' professional development
  • Elo-Hanna Seljamaa: Everyday practices of dealing with ethnic and linguistic differences in contemporary Estonia
Spring 2018:
  • Meril Ümarik: Learning and work transitions of new immigrants
  • Birgit Poopuu: Acting is Everything: The European Union and the Process of Becoming a Peacebuilder
  • Jekaterina Vlasova: Advanced Russian of L2 Learners and Bilinguals in Finland: A Corpus-driven Analysis of Grammatical Errors and Semantic Mismatches
Fall 2017:
  • Igors Gubenko: The philosophical critique of the concept of man in contemporary critical theory
  • Elena Ermolaeva: Ancient Greek epic parody
  • Kersti Lust: Class and kinship in nineteenth century rural Estonia
  • Maria Pirogovskaia, Cultural Modelling of Disgust in the Late Russian Empire
Spring 2017:
  • Kadri Aavik: Understanding masculinities in the neoliberal university
  • Alexei Kouprianov: University of Helsinki before 1917 vs. other Universities of the Russian Empire, a Digital Study in Historical Dynamics
  • Siarhei Liubimau: Vocation and urbanity: Transmission of family professional assets in formerly mono-functional towns
  • Maria Pirogovskaia, Cultural Modelling of Disgust in the Late Russian Empire
Fall 2016:
  • Deniss Hanovs: Postcolonial Discourses on Minorities Inclusion in Latvia
  • Ene Kõresaar: Postmemory and Individual Agency
  • Ivan Sablin: North Asian Literatures between the Second and the Fourth World
  • Elena Trubina: Mega-events, Nationalist Emotions, and Multiscalar Urban Neoliberalism
Spring 2016:
  • Katrin Kello: Representations of the Soviet era in Estonian and Latvian School Textbooks
  • Kadri Koreinik: Language Political Discourses and Minority Language Maintenance
  • Anita Vaivade: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Baltic Sea Region: Legal and Policy Measures 
Fall 2015:
  • Lyubov Bugaeva: Embodied Narratives in Film and Performance
  • Vladimir Feshchenko: Russian and Anglo-American Avant-Garde: writings on art, poetry, and artistic activism
  • Ilya Kalinin: Cultural Politics in Contemporary Russia 
  • Leonid Zhmud: Scholarly Guide to Ancient Greek Science
Spring 2015:
  • Dimitri Bratkin: Oral History, Memory Studies and the Early Christian Tradition: Acts, Papias, and Hegesippus
  • Danila Raskov: Economic Culture of Russian Old Believers 
  • Maaris Raudsepp: Determinants of Inclusive Intergroup Context (Comparison of Estonia, Finland and Norway)
  • Triin Vihalemm: Media consumption and identity development of Estonian Russians
  • Jon Wittrock: Axial Echoes in Global Space
Fall 2014:
  • Volha Bartash: The transition to sedentary life among Roma in the former Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic and its long-term impacts on Romani communities.
  • Alexandr Pechenkin: A Comparative Study of Relations of Care in the Context of Transnational Adoption, Domestic Foster Care and Guardianship of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors
Spring 2014:
  • Irina Anurova: Studies on effects of extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on cognitive control.
  • Anna Khranauli: Lucianic Recension and the Problem of the Lucianic Text from Different Angles
  • Aurelija Tamosiunaite: Slavic languages and Literature
  • Ergo-Hart Västrik: Literature and Folklore
Fall 2013:
  • Peeter Müürsepp: The Role of Scientific Knowledge in the Context of Practical Realism
  • Elena Osetrova: Huhujen leviämismekanismit / Asiantuntijoiden käyttö nyky-yhteiskunnassa
  • Marek Tamm: History as Cultural Memory: Towards an Estonian mnemohistory
  • Jaak Tomberg: Literature and Utopian Potential
  • Yury Zaretskiy: European Self-Narratives: History and Theory
Spring 2013:
  • Boris Kolonitskii: Antimonarchist Revolution and the Cult of Political Leaders (Russia, 1917)
  • Merike Ristikivi: Legal Linguistics and Legal History
  • Larissa Titarenko: Sociocultural Value Change in Post-Communist Belarus: Picking Up the Loose Ends of Transformation
  • Johanna Sumiala, 09/2012–07/2015: Death in Media Society: Expanded Field of Death Rituals in the Contemporary Age (DEMESO)
  • Marianna Shakhnovich, 07/2008–12/2008
  • Aurelija Novelskaite, 04/2007–10/2007: Women in Lithuanian Academia: statistical representation, career strategies and language
  • Vytis Čiubrinskas, 05/2007–8/2007
  • Eiki Berg, 04/2006–05/2006: Examining Power-Sharing Schemes in Persistent Conflicts: De facto Pseudo-statehood vs. de jure Quasi-federalism
  • Ülo Valk, 01/2005–03/2005: Relationship between the Living and the Dead in Personal Experience Stories: the Case of Post-Socialist Estonia
  • Ilya Utekhin, 01/2005–03/2005
  • Alexander Etkind, 01/2005–04/2005: An Intellectual History of Natural Resources: A Postsocialist and Postcolonial Perspective
  • Evgenii Bershtein, 05/2005–08/2005
  • Artemy Magun, 09/2005–12/2005: Concepts of revolution and empire
  • Marianna Shakhnovich, 10/2005–12/2005
  • Elena Zdravomyslova, 11/2005–12/2005: Commercialization of the domestic care in contemporary Russia and its non-intended consequences
  • Evgenii Bershtein, 05/2004–06/2004
  • Oleg Kharkhordin, 08/2004–12/2004: Rethinking ’Res Publica’. The Role of Things in Coordinating Human Conduct
  • Marina Liborakina, 09/2004–09/2004
  • Aurelija Novelskaite , 9/2004–12/2004: Women physicians in a post-communist society
  • Leeni Hansson, 09/2004–11/2004
  • Alexander Shashkin, 10/2004–11/2004
  • Anna Temkina, 11/2004–12/2004

The aim of the Jane and Aatos Erkko Visiting Professorship in Studies on Contemporary Society is to focus on cultural and social research themes with a topical significance for contemporary society and social justice. Read more about the Jane and Aatos Erkko Visiting Professorship in Studies on Contemporary Society.

Previous Jane and Aatos Erkko Professors:

2023–2024: David Schlosberg (University of Sydney)

2022–2023: Mona Siddiqui (University of Edinburgh)

2021–2022: Ole Wæver (University of Copenhagen)

2020–2021: Karen Knop (University of Toronto)

2019–2020: Molly Andrews (University of East London)

2018–2019: Jane Cowan (University of Sussex)

2016–2018: Ann Phoenix (University of London)

2015–2016: Susanne Soederberg (Queen's University)

2014–2015: Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (University of Iceland)

2013–2014: Joel Robbins (University of Cambridge)

2010–2012: Alan Warde (The University of Manchester)

2009–2010: Stephen Gill (York University)

The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 10-month residencies in one of the 16 participating Institutes: Berlin, Bologna, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Edinburgh, Freiburg, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar, Zürich.

The Institutes for Advanced Study support the focused, self-directed work of outstanding researchers. The fellows benefit from the finest intellectual and research conditions and from the stimulating environment of a multi-disciplinary and international community of first-rate scholars.

Supported by the European Commission since May 2009, the Programme's first call for applications was launched in June 2010. EURIAS offers 308 fellowships consisting of 10-month residencies over the 8-academic year period (2011-2019). The
programme is open to promising scholars at an early stage of their careers as well as established senior researchers.

Former EURIAS Fellows:


  • Patricia Garcia: The European City and Fantastic Literature during Modernity (19th century narratives)
  • Olesya Khanina: Multilingualism in Siberia
  • Małgorzata Rajtar: Food, Biomedical Technologies, and Care. The Case of Rare Metabolic Disorders
  • Geoffrey Roberts: Stalin's Peacemakers: a Transnational History of the World Peace Council, 1948-1968


  • Magali Roques, 09/2017–6/2018
  • Jo Shaw, 09/2017–06/2018, Building Citizenship Regimes: a Global Perspective (CITREG)


  • Julia Lerner, 09/2016–06/2017, Saving the post-Soviet soul in Israel: Religious transformations of Russian-speaking immigrants
  • Pawel Leszkowicz, 09/2016–06/2017, LGBTQ Art and Rights as Democratic Inclusion: Comparative Perspectives on Central and East European Cultures and Societies
  • Arvind Rajagopal, 09/2016–06/2017


  • Sonja Luehrmann, 09/2015–06/2016, Sin and Soviet memory: Mobilizing tainted pasts in Russian Orthodox anti-abortion activism
  • Jan Stenger

The Helsingin Sanomat Foundation Fellowship supported research on media and the media industry. The funding covered five fellow positions in 2013–2018, each one academic year in length. The positions were aimed at internationally known senior researchers and professors in the media and journalism studies.

Within each fellowship period the researcher worked with his/her project and participated in teaching and academic community within the field of media studies and journalism.

Helsingin Sanomat Foundation Fellows 2013–2018:

  • Jostein Gripsrud, 2017–2018: Public Discourse on Immigration in Scandiavia 1970-2016
  • Barbie Zelizer, 2016–2017: How Cold War Mindedness Drives the News
  • Caroline Basset: 2014–2016, Anti-Computing (and Un-archaeology?)
  • John Durham Peters, 2013–2014, New Media in the Light of Old Media

In addition to enhancing scholarly excellence in the human and social sciences, the Helsinki Collegium seeks to advance the interaction of science and art through special programs established on funding from foundations. As a result, it organised a program for translators, funded by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation. The aim of the translator program was to further the dialogue between scholarly research and artistic endeavour in its premises. Successful candidates had a long experience in either fiction or non-fiction translation and they work on a culturally significant project.

Former Fellows of the Translator Program:

  • Maria Pakkala: 1.1.–31.5. 2016, Translation of Finnish literature into Arabic
  • Sébastien Cagnoli: 1.9.–31.12.2015, Translation of Finnish literature into French

In 2011, the Helsinki Collegium launched a Writer Programme and invited one or two writers per academic year to work at the Collegium. The aim of the Writer Programme, funded by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation, was to reinforce interaction between research and art and to encourage dialogue between academic researchers and artists.

The Collegium solicited suggestions for fellowship recipients from its own fellows and cooperative partners, which included Finnish and international literary institutions and organizations, such as the cultural association Nuoren Voiman Liitto, FILI (Finnish Literature Exchange), the Goethe Institute Helsinki and Literarisches Colloquium Berlin.


  • Rami Saari, Spring 2015
  • György Dragomán, 1.3.–31.7.2014
  • Michal Ben-Naftali, 8.9.–7.12.2013
  • Antje Rávic Strubel, 1.9.2012–31.1.2013
  • Monique Truong, 1.4.–30.6. 2012
  • Katrien De Graeve, 1.9.2013–31.7.2014: Relations of Care in the Context of Transnational Adoption, Domestic Foster Care and Guardianship of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors
  • David Eng, 1.9.2015–31.7.2016: Reparations and the Human
  • Ulrika Maude, 1.9.2015–31.7.2016: Modernism and Medical Culture
  • Teemu Ruskola, 1.9.2015–31.7.2016: China, For Example: China and the Making of Modern International Law
  • Naoko Saito, Philosophy as translation and understanding other cultures: interdisciplinary research in philosophy and education for bidirectional internationalization
  • Johanna Sumiala, 1.9.2012–31.7.2015: Mediatized Death. Expanded field of Death Rituals in the Contemporary Society
  • Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, 1.9.–30.10.2015: Philosophy of transing: Social exchange and transformative knowledge