When: Thursday, May 12, at 5:15 pm (Finnish time, GMT+2)
Venue: Online/Metsätalo, Lecture Hall 1 (Unioninkatu 40)
A reception in honor of Prof. Wæver will be held in the Common Room of the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (Fabianinkatu 24A, 3rd floor) after the lecture.
The link to the live stream will be updated on this page soon.
The lecture is free and open to all. It will be streamed, recorded and available on the Helsinki Collegium's Youtube channel.
Direct link to stream: https://youtu.be/QE52mGzHsU8
Within security studies and conflict analysis, climate change mainly figures in studies trying to settle whether a causal link can be demonstrated from climate change to military conflict. Meanwhile, general climate debates increasingly assert that climate change as such is the biggest threat facing humankind. Climate change is ‘securitized’ in two very different ways. What policies do these imply, respectively? Is it promising, worrying and/or unavoidable that climate change is turned into a security issue, a threat that simply has to be met by all means necessary? How do we imagine the international relations of a future constituted politically around a ‘climate emergency’?
Short bio
Ole Wæver is Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen and founder of the research centers CAST (Centre for Advanced Security Theory) and CRIC (Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts). He coined the concept of ‘securitization’ and co-developed what is known as the Copenhagen School in security studies. Beyond security theory, his research interests include conflict analysis and conflict resolution, the history and sociology of the International Relations discipline, sociology of science, religion in international relations, climate change, politics of technology, conceptual history, and speech act theory. He has directed various research projects including currently ‘Human Rights and Peace Building’ and ‘Militarisation in Uganda’. He was on defense commissions and various other policy advisory bodies on security, climate and research policy; member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters; honorary doctorate from the University of Turku. Knighted
Ole Wæver's profile on the HCAS website