I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the London School of Economics. I study knowledge practices in a range of professional and organizational settings. I have worked on humanitarian relief NGOs (The Good Project. Humanitarian Relief NGOs and the Fragmentation of Reason. Chicago University Press: 2014), on human rights NGOs, on mission agencies, on psychoanalysts and journalists. I am also interested in sociological theory. My most recent book is Model Cases. On Canonical Research Objects and Sites. Chicago University Press: 2021.
When I was a fellow of the Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, there were posters up on the walls in the corridor, which discussed, analysed and celebrated “monographs”. Not particular monographs; the monograph as a particular form of scholarly expression. The Collegium provides that kind of space and an international and interdisciplinary community of scholars who for a little while work together without having to do any work together. These are intellectual necessities, which all universities presuppose but don’t or can’t necessarily provide.
As of January 1, 2022, I am Associate Professor of Jurisprudence at the Law Faculty of the University of Helsinki.
I work in legal theory (jurisprudence), meaning the philosophical analysis of law. I’ve been especially interested in topics such as legal personhood, rights and animal law.
The Collegium fellowship was my first proper postdoc. I very much enjoyed my time there. The atmosphere was very welcoming, and the opportunity to interact with other postdocs from different disciplines meant a lot of peer support and the opportunity to ponder different career options. I still miss the Collegium, and hope to come back some day for a sabbatical.