Professor Sasu Tarkoma, Head of the Computer Science Department at the University of Helsinki, has been elected as Fellow of IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) for his academic and industry contributions pertaining to mobile computing and Internet technologies.
The IET fellowships may be awarded to members who have demonstrated significant sustained achievement, outstanding service to the profession and leadership during their careers.
Tarkoma has been a professor of computer science since 2009 and head of the Computer Science Department at the University of Helsinki since 2016. He is also Director of the Helsinki Center for Data Science (HiDATA) and affiliated with the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT and the Finnish Center for AI (FCAI). He is chairman of the Finnish Scientific Advisory Board for Defence (MATINE). He has published over 200 scientific publications including four books. He has 9 granted US patents and over 20 patent applications.
One notable research highlight is the Carat research project that has both scientific and societal impact. The project runs a very popular crowdsourced mobile service that has analyzed and helped hundreds of thousands of smartphones. The activity has also contributed to privacy research and open science by making data available for researchers.
IET, and its predecessor IEE (Institute of Electrical Engineering), was founded 148 years ago and is a highly respected international scientific and professional society with more than 168 000 members from 150 countries.