There are six departments at the Faculty of Science, which are financially liable to the faculty under the direction of a head of each department. The Head of Department will direct the work of the department and take responsibility for its productivity, economy, and efficiency, the development of its staff, and the planning of its operations in accordance with guidelines agreed on inside the faculty. The Dean will appoint the head of a department after hearing the department staff and faculty council.
The period of current heads of departments will end on 31 December 2021 and there has been an open call for applications.
Heads of departments appointed by the Dean for the period 1 January 2022–31 December 2025
- Department of Geosciences and Geography: Research Director Annakaisa Korja
- Department of Physics: Professor Simo Huotari
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics: Professor Tuomas Hytönen
- Department of Chemistry: Professor Ilkka Kilpeläinen
- Department of Computer Science: Professor Jussi Kangasharju
Annakaisa Korja, Simo Huotari, and Tuomas Hytönen will continue as heads of their departments. Ilkka Kilpeläinen and Jussi Kangasharju will start on their first periods as heads of departments.
The decision on the director of INAR will come later. The Rector will make the decision on the director of INAR.