We are well aware that we are facing global environmental challenges, such as extreme weather, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss. We also know that to solve them, we have to work together. Their interlinked nature demands it.
Scientific data is allowing researchers to understand and predict the changes in the Earth System. This same data however can further assist other users to navigate and prepare for these changes through information and services tailored to their specific needs. This is the motivation behind our hackathon.
Hack the Arctic is a 48-hr online hackathon open to anyone interested to make use of Arctic environmental data to develop a service or project. The event is co-organised by INAR of the University of Helsinki (including its PEEX initiative), ICOS Head Office, and the ENVRI Community, bringing together a compilation of datasets and science mentors from their respective communities under one roof.
5 challenges to address
The participants will gather on a virtual networking platform on 12–14 March organized by Junction App and have access to science mentorship, keynote talks and networking through the weekend. The final projects will be presented in video form and shared publicly. Participating students will receive a certificate of completion.
Hack the Arctic offers 5 challenges to address: (1) map the available data coverage of the Arctic; design a service that uses science data for (2) policy-makers, or (3) citizens; (4) explore Svalbard data as a case study; or (5) design a science visualization tool.
It is worthwhile to highlight the opportunities that a hackathon event offers. It provides an alternative to the linear and compartmentalized process with one that facilitates co-design and ideation by joining expert knowledge, technical knowhow and possible end users in a common space.
This feedback process is beneficial to scientists. As a byproduct of the Hack the Arctic we will be able to detect gaps in our existing data, evaluate the current accessibility and operability of our datasets, and identify needs that require addressing.
Before, as scientists we could only share knowledge, now we can also share data and allow others to derive further knowledge and applications from it.
Hack the Arctic website
More information:
Stephany Mazon
Research and communications coordinator
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki
Twitter: @StephanyMazon
- Hack-the-Arctic is a collaboration between its organisers and partners from their communities of research projects and infrastructures.
- For INAR these include SmearSMEAR, the PEEX initiative, iCUPE, and WMO GAW collaborators.
- ICOS-ERIC includes the ICOS portal.
- The ENVRI Community includes the presence of SIOS, ACTRIS and SeaDataNet.
Hack the Arctic will take place on 12–14 March 2021. Registration is now open and closes before the Opening Ceremony on 12 March. It is open to anyone, anywhere in the world. University of Helsinki students are eligible for 1 cr.