Time: Tue 7.11. 2023 at 17:00 - 20:00 (16:00 -17:00 visit to Helsinki upper secondary school of natural sciences)
Place: Kumpula campus, Physicum hall, Gustaf Hällströminkatu 2A, Helsinki
AI, ALD, climate change, quantum technology, inversion mathematics, circular economy of chemistry, space research... Come and hear how Kumpula's disciplines respond to global challenges and change the world!
Program is bilingual, in Finnish or in English (see the details in program below).
- 16:00-17:00 Guided visit to Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Natural Sciences (Departure from the lobby of Physicum)
- 17:00-17:20 Start of the event and dean's greetings
- 17:20-17:30 Guidance and joint tour to the departments
- 17:30-19:00 Programs of the departments
- 19:00-20:00 The joint program continues. Mingling and snacks. (Physicum lobby)
Register for the event November 3!
Department of Physics:
- 17:30 Welcome, prof. Kari Rummukainen Hall E207
- 17:30-18:00 Avaruus nyt! prof. Minna Palmroth (In Finnish)
- 18:00-19:00 Laboratory tours:
-Scattering laboratory
-Electronics research laboratory
-Detector laboratory
-X-ray laboratory
Department of Geosciences and geography
- 17:30-18:00 Presentation: Orce – The earliest human settlement in Europe (D112): Anu Kaakinen, Miikka Tallavaara, Suvi Viranta and Juha Saarinen (In Finnish)
- 18:30-19:00 Geoscience & Geography Quiz – MaO & Vasara (at geography department’s sofas)
Non-stop programme:
- Taita Research Station info point – Enrico di Minin (A113-114)
- Get to know Geopiste – William Smolander (Sandbox at geography valopiha)
- Drones and VR drone data (continuous) – Arttu Paarlahti (VR booth at geography valopiha)
- Seismic Instrument Pool info point (geosciences valopiha)
Department of Chemistry
- 17:30-19:00 Guided laboratory tours (the program will be specified later). (Chemicum)
17:30-19:00 Visit INAR:
- Station(s) Measuring Ecosystem – Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR) – visit Urban-SMEAR, Helsinki, (we leave for the station from Physicum lobby, outerwear), professori Timo Vesala
- Ilmakehämittalaitteet, laboratoriokierros, (Physicum 4. floor) laboratorioinsinööri Pekka Rantala
- Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS) Kalibrointilaboratorio, (Physicum 2. floor) yliopistotutkija Nina Sarnela
- Ilmakehän ja ilmaston osaamiskeskus ACCC (Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center), (Physicum 2. floor, room C208 "Kvantti")
- Suomen Akatemian lippulaivahanke, esittely, dosentti Hanna Lappalainen
- Climate University, Ilmastoasiantuntija-koulutus, (Physicum 2 floor, room C208 "Kvantti"), vanhempi yliopistonlehtori Taina Ruuskanen ja tutkijatohtori Kenneth Peltokangas
Department of Mathematics and Statistics:
- 17:30-17:45 Getting to know Ratkomo (Exactum 3rd floor)
- 17:30-19:00 Getting to know the science class Summamutika (Exactum 3rd floor)
- 17:45-19:00 Presentations (C323):
-Opettajankoulutus, matematiikan opetus ja tutkimus, Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen
-Tilastotieteen opetus ja tutkimus, Leena Kalliovirta
-Ainejärjestöt ja niiden yhteistyö koulutusohjelmien kanssa, Alexander Oiling
Department of Computer Science:
- 17:30-18:50 Department researchers present their research results in a poster session (Exactum lobby)
- 17:30-18:50 The leaders of the three degree programs present the curricula of the bachelor's program in Computer Science, the master's program and the master's program in data science, and we collect feedback.