FPD-Include develops inclusiveness in pharmacy education

The Faculty of Pharmacy is leading a work package in an ERASMUS+ project FPD-include, the Faculty Professional Development for inclusion in pharmacy education. The project aims to increase inclusivity and cultural awareness in pharmacy education.

The dimensions of sustainability in education are multifaceted, with social sustainability and inclusion as increasingly important dimensions. The Faculty of Pharmacy is leading a work package in an ERASMUS+ project FPD-include. The acronym stands for Faculty Professional Development for inclusion in pharmacy education and the project aims to increase inclusivity and cultural awareness in pharmacy education. FPD-Include is a three-year ERASMUS+ collaborative project, led by the University of Bergen and partnered by the University of Helsinki, the University of Utrecht and CEU San Pablo in Madrid. 

The project focuses on strengthening the skills of pharmacy teachers. The FPD-Include project will identify the skills needs of teachers and students, develop a dedicated Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) module and an open access methodology basket to implement new methods and content in pharmacy education.   

The project is a new opening in the sustainability aspects of teaching. Increasing the inclusiveness and inclusivity of university teaching has been shown to improve learning outcomes. At the same time, inclusivity, awareness and inclusion of diverse groups in education contribute to the development of pharmacy professionals who are better equipped to act fairly and equitably in professional interactions. The project contribute the EAFP 2024 congress in Bergen as organiser in session “Inclusion in Pharmacy Education”. For more information on the project, see https://www.fpdinclude.com/ 


FPD-Include highlights
  • COIL Course: Interactive course for inclusive teaching. 
  • Digital Toolkit: Resources for creating inclusive educational environments. 
  • Community of Practice: A platform for educators to exchange ideas and innovate.