Fourth Vice-Dean to the Faculty of Pharmacy

The terms of Vice-Deans and Division Heads will continue until 31 December 2028 to match the Dean’s term. Professor Timo Laaksonen is appointed as the fourth Vice-Dean.

Jari Yli-Kauhaluoma, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, consulted the Faculty Council in its meetings on 12 December 2023 and on 23 January 2024 on selecting and terms of the Vice-Deans and Division Heads. The terms of Vice-Deans and Division Heads will continue until 31 December 2028 to match the Dean’s term. Professor Timo Laaksonen is appointed as the fourth Vice-Dean.


Vice-Deans and responsibilities at the Faculty of Pharmacy until 31 December 2028

  • Professori Mikko Airavaara, research affairs and innovations
  • Docent, senior university lecturer Mia Sivén, academic affairs and digitalization
  • Docent, senior university lecturer Yvonne Holm, public engagement and sustainable development
  • Professor Timo Laaksonen, research infrastructures and facilities (starting on 1 February 2024)

Vice-Dean Airavaara is responsible also in the future for developing doctoral education and Vice-Dean Holm bilingual affairs. Dean is responsible for international affairs. Vice-Dean Sivén deputises for the dean when he is not available.


The Division Heads until 31 December 2028

  • Professor Tomi Rantamäki, Division of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
  • Professor Leena Peltonen, Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology
  • Professor Päivi Tammela, Division of Pharmaceutical Biosciences