Apply to the Faculty of Social Sciences

The disciplines represented at the Faculty of Social Sciences can be studied in both Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes. You can also choose to complete only one of these or continue to pursue a doctorate after completing a Master’s degree. Teaching is based on research in the Faculty disciplines and research centres.
Degree options

You can complete Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSSc) and Master of Social Sciences (MSSc) degrees at the Faculty. You can also choose to complete only one of these or continue to pursue a doctorate after completing a Master’s degree.

If you have not previously completed a degree at an institution of higher education, read more about the Faculty’s education leading to both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. If you have already completed a first-cycle degree, you may be eligible to apply directly to a Master’s programme.

You can find detailed descriptions of all our degree programmes on the Degree finder (or below), through which applications for studies can also be submitted.

You should also visit the University of Helsinki’s Admissions website for more information on applying and studying at the University and its Faculty of Social Sciences.

Degree programmes

The Faculty of Social Sciences is the coordinating faculty for four Finnish-language bachelor’s and master’s programmes, four English-language master’s programmes and one Swedish-language master’s programme, as well as three doctoral programmes. Some of the degree programmes are collaboratively organised with other faculties. Teaching in the degree programmes is based on research conducted by our disciplines and research units.

Master's programmes
Bachelor programmes
Doctoral programmes