Faculty of Social Sciences celebrates 75 years

The Faculty of Social Sciences celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2020. An event to celebrate this distinguished journey was live streamed from Think Corner on September. Check out the recording of the event here.
Faculty of Social Sciences book fair

The online book fair of the Faculty of Social Sciences provided a wide-ranging overview of the Faculty’s research. Each year, our staff publish a number of high-quality scholarly works which we wish to bring to the attention of the academic and wider communities. If you missed the book fair, you can find the list of books presented at the fair. We hope that you will find a thought-provoking book to support your studies, work or community activities. 

Anniversary event

A virtual event to celebrate this great journey was live-streamed on September 3rd. The recording of the event can be found at Unitube. The event is mostly in Finnish and included musical performance as well as speeches from the dean, alumni and rector of the University of Helsinki.

Historical review

Finnish-language historical review entitled Valtaan ja vastavirtaan. Helsingin yliopiston valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta 75 vuotta (‘Power and opposition. 75 years of the University of Helsinki Faculty of Social Sciences’) was published as part of the festivities on May 2020. 

Established in spring 1945, the University of Helsinki Faculty of Social Sciences will reach the ripe old age of 75 in 2020. What could be a better way to celebrate this occasion than to publish a book on the Faculty’s long and eventful history! The Finnish-language work by Jukka Kortti, entitled Valtaan ja vastavirtaan. Helsingin yliopiston valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta 75 vuotta (‘Power and opposition. 75 years of the University of Helsinki Faculty of Social Sciences’) uses extensive research material to explore the Faculty’s relationship with society at large during various periods. The book describes the ways in which the Faculty has been involved in – and occasionally even a driver of – social change. The author considers the role of the Faculty of Social Sciences as a critical social agent and educator. Other key themes include the strained relationship between social science research and economic objectives as well as the Faculty’s role in building the (welfare) state and, more generally, in political activities.

The book is available at the online store of the Finnish Literary Society.

Jukka Kortti is a social science historian whose specialist fields include intellectual history.