Docent Anne Remes, MD, has worked as a professor of neurology at the University of Eastern Finland from 2012 to 2016 and at the University of Oulu since 2017. Remes has also served as the director of Medical Research Centre Oulu. In her research, Remes has focused on early-onset and hereditary memory disorders, particularly frontotemporal dementia.
“I accept my new appointment with enthusiasm, but also humility,” says Remes, commenting on her selection.
Remes describes herself as an open leader who collaborates with various parties, values high-level research and requires information to make decisions.
“I appreciate cooperation, and I wish to start in my new position too by familiarising myself with the activities and current practices of the community. Once I have gained an overview, it will be time to consider whether I can bring something new to Faculty operations with my outsider’s perspective and prior experience. The operations already are truly excellent, but I'm sure there is even more potential there to tap into,” Remes adds.
The appointment of the dean was prepared by an appointment committee established by the Faculty Council. The committee submitted a proposal to the Faculty Council on the appointee on the basis of application documents, interviews and a public hearing organised by the Faculty. The Faculty Council’s decision was in line with the proposal of the appointment committee.
“In Remes, the Faculty will gain an experienced academic leader who has collaborated with university hospitals and government administration. She is an award-winning teacher and an esteemed researcher specialised in memory disorders, in addition to which she has actively contributed to the operations of several foundations and the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim,” says Academy Professor Anu Suomalainen-Wartiovaara, chair of the appointment committee.
Dean Risto Renkonen, chair of the Faculty Council, welcomes Remes to the Faculty.
“The Faculty of Medicine will continue to be in good hands and in prime condition,” Renkonen says.