The University of Helsinki is among the leading multidisciplinary research universities in the world. In addition to its 11 faculties, the University includes several independent institutes, some of which are jointly operated with other universities. More than 30,000 students are currently pursuing a degree at the University of Helsinki.
The Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki is the leading Finnish institute of legal education. Some degrees granted by the Faculty are completed at the bilingual Vaasa Unit of Legal Studies. The Faculty’s mission is to train qualified, ethically responsible legal professionals for both the Finnish and international markets through high-quality international research and research-based teaching. The Faculty of Law offers undergraduate degrees in Finnish, Swedish and English as well as a bilingual degree in Finnish and Swedish. The Faculty has a teaching and research staff of around 120 people and 2,400 students pursuing a degree.
The appointee will be affiliated with the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, which promotes research on public international law, transnational and European law and human rights from broad, heterodox and critical perspectives.
The appointee will be a group member in two research projects led by Prof. Päivi Leino-Sandberg: ‘Transparency in the EU: From Reaction to Manifesto’(TrUE) and ‘Separation of Powers for 21st Century Europe’ (SepaRope). The appointee should have strong knowledge of EU institutional and constitutional law and the ability to conduct research on EU decision making and its legislative process, with a particular focus on the Economic and Monetary Union. In addition to independent research work, the post-doctoral researcher must be able to work as a team with the other group members in order to follow the overarching project research plan. The main working language will be English.
The Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, where other similar research projects are ongoing, will serve as the daily working environment for the appointed post-doctoral researcher.
The appointee shall have completed an applicable doctoral degree (law or social sciences) before the start of employment. The position requires the ability and motivation to conduct independent scientific research, and very good or excellent oral and written proficiency in English. A good command of other European languages would be an advantage.
The salary will be based on level 5 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system applied in Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will be paid a salary component based on personal work performance. The salary range will be €3,100–3,600 per month, depending on the merits and experience of the appointee. There will be a six-month trial period for the position.
The application must be accompanied by the following enclosures (in English):
• An application written by the applicant, indicating the applicant’s interest in conducting research, as well as expertise and teaching experience related to the research field
• A curriculum vitae
• A list of publications
• A tentative research plan (max. 3 pages) that relates to the theme of the project
The application, together with the required attachments, must be submitted as one PDF file through the University of Helsinki electronic recruitment system by clicking on the link below. Applicants employed by the University of Helsinki must submit their application through the SAP HR portal. The closing date for applications is 4.9.2020. The appointed post-doctoral researcher is scheduled to start working on 1 October 2020 or soon after that.
Further information on the position may be obtained from Dean Pia Letto-Vanamo, pia.letto-vanamo(at) and Professor Päivi Leino-Sandberg, paivi.leino(at)
Further information on the recruitment system may be obtained from HR Specialist Minna Boström, minna.bostrom(at)
Due date
04.09.2020 23:59 EEST
You can apply here via the University's SAP Portal.