Call for papers:
In her opinion in C-28/08 Bavarian Lager, Advocate General Sharpston described data protection and transparency as an irresistible force meeting the immovable object—while at first it seems as though they are competing, the contradictions are more apparent than real. Certainly, there are fundamental differences in the underlying motivations between the two; while transparency is about openness and allowing everyone to see what is going on, privacy promotes the idea that we should choose when and how people are allowed to see into our lives.
This seminar will seek to explore these two apparently contradicting ideas, inviting people to compare and contrast the different philosophies and rules. To ensure that we can present the most interesting range of perspectives, we will put out a call for papers which explore the key aspects of data protection and transparency, including papers which investigate the overlap (or divergences) between these two areas, or which discuss their interaction within the wider political context of the EU. We will then hold a one-day seminar with the morning dedicated to presentations by established researchers and practitioners, while the afternoon will involve panel sessions aimed at sparking debate, with at least one panel aimed at allowing younger researchers the opportunity to present their work.
With the rise of the GDPR, concerns about the accountability of technocratic EU bodies and the ever-lingering debate about the democratic deficit of the Union, among many possible examples, this seminar will explore vital points of tension in legal discussion. We hope that you will be able to take part and help us to cast light on these issues.
We are looking for people at any stage of their research career who is interested in presenting a paper on a relevant or related topic.
If you are interested, please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words by Friday 7th December at 5 pm using this form. You should also be able to provide a presentable draft of your paper for distribution by the end of April 2019.