Law and the Other in Post-Multicultural Europe


Law and the Other in Post-Multicultural Europe was a research project funded by the Research Fund of the University of Helsinki.

Its objective was to examine the recent legal and social developments and explore the claim that Europe has entered a new post-multicultural era. The research was carried out against the background of recent social, political and legal changes and its aim is to grasp the meaning of post-multiculturalism and its consequences for the citizens of Europe and those constructed as ‘Other’. Project researchers focused on rethinking how the criticism concerning essentialising human experiences and communities can be overcome by accommodation of more contextualized approaches reducing single axis analyses of culture, religion, gender or foreignness. Our team included researchers focusing on a range of topics related to post-multiculturalism such as the problematic of migration, accommodation of ethnic, religious and gender minorities, rights fostering cultural and religious diversity as well as the phenomena of xenophobia, racism and hate speech.

Research questions

  • What is the characterization of a post-multicultural Europe and how it is reflected in legal regulations?
  • Who is currently constructed as the European other?
  • What is the role of European courts and other human rights bodies in development of post-multiculturalism?
  • Can human rights provide effective protection to the European others?