Mathematics - Geometry, Algebra and Topology

Directors of the specialization: Erik Elfving
Schedule and instructions


Complete degree structure

Studies Service page Degree Structure

Specialization-specific structure

Studies Service page advanced studies module - Geometry, Algebra and Topology


Schedule, model study plan and instructions

Dir­ect­or of the spe­cial­iz­a­tion

Erik Elfving

Per­sons re­spons­ible for academic mentoring and guiding study plans

Erik Elfving and Pekka Pankka

Model study plan

General guidance instructions and study plans

General guide to first year of Geometry, Algebra and Topology studies

Year 1 Autumn

  • Topology II
  • Introduction to Real and Fourier Analysis

Year 1 Spring

  • Algebra II
  • Introduction to Differential Geometry or Introduction to Algebraic Topology
  • Introduction to Complex Analysis