The research papers on these topics by the MA students in the GPC programme were deemed so impressive by the course’s teacher, Adjunct Professor S.M. Amadae, that she decided to compile them into a book entitled Computational Transformation of the Public Sphere: Theories and Case Studies.
The book, which also commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Social Sciences, covers a wide range of topics and issues related to the evolving relationship between digital technologies, democratic processes and the public sphere. These include impact of the digital revolution on referenda and elections (Brexit and the Scottish independence vote) the impact of the digital era on social movements (#MeToo-movement and the Incel Movement) and the emancipatory potential of digital innovations (ride-hailing apps and women in the Global South).
This volume, which has been downloaded from online archives over 3,000 times, is now available for purchase as a physical copy. If you prefer the tangible sensation of holding a physical book in your hands and turning its pages by the warm comfort of a crackling fireplace or on a sunny day at the beach, you can now order this book from the online store for 20 euros. In case the online store runs out of copies, you may also contact GPC Programme Director S.M. Amadae for a complimentary copy.
For additional reading of students’ papers published from 2021 onward, see our website.