Bill Mitchell is a Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (cofFee) at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
He is also a professional musician and plays guitar with the Melbourne Reggae-Dub band Pressure Drop. The band was popular around the live music scene in Melbourne in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The band reformed in late 2010.
Mitchell has been a key figure in the development of the Modern Monetary theory which has become increasingly influential in global political economy in recent decades.
Sari Roman-Lagerspetz is a docent of political science at the University of Helsinki and a docent of political philosophy at the University of Turku. She received her doctor's degree in political science from the University of Helsinki in 2009. She has also a master’s degree in theology (philosophy of religion) from the University of Helsinki. She has worked in several academic research projects. Latest research project (The Crises of Democracy) in which she worked in 2020-2022 was funded by The Kone Foundation. She specializes in the theory and philosophy of recognition (in German Anerkennung), democratic theory, and feminist philosophy. She has analysed the themes of recognition also in feminist philosophy of religion.
Her dissertation Striving for the Impossible. The Hegelian Background of Judith Butler appeared in 2009. Her most recent publications include “Judith Butler” in Handbuch Anerkennung (Springer 2022), “Alexandre Kojéve” in Handbuch Anerkennung (Springer 2022), “J.V. Snellman’s Theory of Recognition” (with E. Lagerspetz, Hegel Jahrbuch, forthcoming), “Alexandre Kojève and the Ends of History” (with E. Lagerspetz. forthcoming), “Vapaus, totuus ja tunnustus Hegelin filosofiassa” (teoksessa Tunnustuksen filosofia ja politiikka, ed. O. Hirvonen, 2020)