Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Master's programme

Which spe­cies are able to ad­apt to en­vir­on­mental change?

Ecology and evolutionary biology offer a perspective on biology from the level of genes to communities of species. In the Master's Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, you become familiar with a wide variety of topics in three areas: ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation biology.

The programme is diverse and multidisciplinary. You attend lectures, laboratory and computer training courses, interactive seminars and study tours. The field courses range from the northern subarctic region to tropical rainforests.

Basic information
Scope of studies and length 120 ECTS credits, 2 years
Degree level Master
Language Finnish, English, Swedish
Tuition fee per year (only non-EU/EEA citizens) 15 000 EUR
Application period Next application period starts in Dec 2025 / Jan 2026.
Get to know the programme

Find out more about studying in the programme, teaching and research as well as what type of employment opportunities there are for graduates. 

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