Courses in Biosphere-Atmosphere Cycles Study Track

Information about biosphere-atmosphere cycles courses.

The preliminary syllabus for the academic year 2025-2026 will be published in the Studies service in the spring 2025 and the final syllabus will be published in Sisu by the end of June. Please note, that some courses will not be lectured every academic year.

See recommended previous knowledge and skills for this study track in the end of the page.

Biosphere-atmosphere cycles, advanced studies (95-120 cr)

Your degree will include minimum of 120 credits out of which at least 95 credits are of advanced courses. 


Compulsory courses (45-50 cr)

ATM301 Atmospheric and Earth Sciences Today (5 cr)
ATM345 Atmospheric science seminar for Master’s students (5 cr)
ATM350 Master's thesis (30 cr)
ATM399 Maturity test (0 cr)
Personal study plan (0 cr) (included in ATM301)

Select either ATM302 (5 cr) or ATM386 (2 cr).

Select either ATM303 Project course in atmospheric sciences (3 or 5 cr) or ATM384 Integrating art and science (5 cr) or ATM380 (5 cr).

Alternative advanced studies (complete at least 50 cr)

ATM309 Analysis of atmosphere-surface interactions and feedbacks (5 cr)
ATM321 Field Course in Micrometeorology and Hydrology (5 cr) 
ATM328 Global biogeochemical cycles (5 cr) 
ATM359 Eddy covarience intensive course (5 cr) 
FOR-211 Tree ecophysiology (5 cr) 
FOR-217 Forest and peatlands as modifiers of atmospheric composition (5 cr)
FOR-218 Basics of Biometeorology (3 or 5 cr)
FOR-228 Forest Ecosystem Biogeochemistry (5 cr)
FOR-275 Soils and climate change (5 cr)
FOR-284 Methods in ecophysiology (5 cr)
FOR-285 Climate change mitigation and adaptation in forestry (5 cr) 
FOR-286 Simulation of forest growth (5 cr) 
AGRI-411 Soil hydrology (5 cr) 
AGRI-413 Advanced soil science (5 cr)
ECGS-011 Advanced aquatic and sediment biogeochemistry (5 cr)
ECGS-039 Arctic climate change (5 cr)

Optional advanced courses for all study tracks (0-30 cr

ATM373 Leadership for Sustainable Change (5 cr)
ATM377 Introduction to Earth System Modelling (5 cr)
ATM378 (5 cr)
ATM379 (5 cr)
ATM380 (5 cr)
ATM389 Living with changing climate (5 cr)
ATM397 Forests and Climate Change (2 cr)
ATM398 Climate University for Virtual Exchanges (CLUVEX) (1 cr)
ATM405 Una Europa Virtual Exchanges for Sustainability (1 cr)
ATM404 Environmental and Climate Regulation in the EU (5 cr)
ATM396 Application of AI/ML techniques in Atmospheric Science (3 cr)
ATM384 Integrating art and science (5 cr)
Data Science

ATM308 Statistical Tools for Climate and Atmospheric Science (5 cr)
ATM309 Analysis of atmosphere-surface interactions and feedbacks (5 cr)
ATM310 Time Series Analysis in Geosciences (5 cr)
DATA11001 Introduction to Data Science (5 cr)
DATA12001 Advanced Course in Machine Learning (5 cr)
LSI35002 Bayesian Data Analysis (5 cr)
DATA20046 Neural Networks and Deep Learning (5 cr)

Select at most one of the following courses:

  • DATA11002 Introduction to Machine Learning (5 cr)
  • ATM4171 Introduction to Machine Learning for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (5 cr)
Other stud­ies

Other studies can include study modules or courses from other programmes or courses from other study tracks. Also practical training and language studies can be included in other studies.

Recommended previous knowledge and skills

In order to successfully pursue Master's studies in the biosphere-atmosphere study track it is recommended that you have studied some bachelor's level studies in Forestry. It is also useful to know basics of fluid phenomena. You can also study them in the beginning of your Master's studies.