Call for Sessions - Now Closed

The call for sessions for SSD2023 is officially closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted. We will begin reviewing the sessions immediately and will follow-up with session proposers in approximately mid-December.

If you have any questions about this form, the submission, review process, or SSD2023, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail

Call for Sessions

Sustainability Science Days conference 2023: PATHWAYS OF HOPE – Knowledge, Actions, Solutions will host parallel sessions and other creative interventions during our pre-conference on May 23, and during the conference on May 24–26, 2023. The sessions are 90 minutes long and can be structured around paper presentations, creative workshops, solutions-oriented panel discussions, or other types of presentations from researchers, practitioners, or transdisciplinary author teams followed by discussions with the audience. These suggestions are meant as inspirations, not limitations. The call for session closed on November 27, 2022. The organizing committee will confirm selected sessions in December 2022 and a call for abstracts will be opened in January 2023.  

We strongly believe that systemic change requires transdisciplinary cooperation and joining forces across disciplines and sectors and we encourage inter-, trans-, and multidisciplinary proposals, aimed at systemic change. Thus, we hope the sessions will be proposed by two or more conveners from at least two different institutions and ideally across disciplines.  

The theme for Sustainability Science Days 2023 is Pathways of Hope – Knowledge, Actions, Solutions. In particular, we appreciate contributions that engage one or more of the following questions under these themes:   

  • Understanding systems with the help of scientific knowledge 

Under this theme we call for scientists from a multitude of fields to inter- and multidisciplinary sessions to identify important systems and their critical parts. The questions being asked under this theme include, for example: Where are the greatest leverages towards sustainability transformations? What pathways do we have to better futures? What risks and opportunities lie ahead in terms of climate, biodiversity, socio-ecological systems, economies, and energy? What new imaginaries are emerging for alternative futures? What perspectives are needed in order to develop strong sustainability frameworks? What are the topical findings in terms of the viability of the planet that need our attention? What emerging transformative aspects, theories or frameworks are there in sustainability science?  

  • Understanding how actions can generate actionable knowledge   

Under this theme, we invite researchers from all fields whose research deals with linking scientific knowledge to action and policymaking. Questions related to this theme include, for example: How can different knowledge generation paradigms (for example, natural sciences, engineering and design, social sciences and humanities, creative and artistic research) contribute into the creation of actionable knowledge to enable sustainability transformations? What types of actions are needed to address systemic sustainability challenges? Which societal actors should be involved in these actions and how? How can the time lag be reduced between scientific knowledge generation and real-life action? What new evaluation approaches are needed for scientific rigor and scientific performance to close the science-policy gap? How can we bridge institutional, organisational, and cultural gaps between knowledge generation and action taking? 

  • Identifying solutions to systemic issues 

Under this theme, we invite researchers and innovators who work with any aspects of technical, business, or social solutions and innovations for sustainability. Transdisciplinary cooperation with societal changemakers is now more important than ever because no actor can solve the sustainability crisis alone. Questions to answer under this theme are, for example: What are the innovation and solutions areas critical to enable the transition to sustainable societies? How to replace fossil-based energy production, and manage natural resources in electrification and renewable energy production? How to increase efficiency in energy and material usage, and how to remove carbon from the atmosphere? What kinds of innovations are needed to save and regenerate biodiversity? What kind of business models will drive the sustainability transition, and what kind of regulation and innovation policy will enable it? How can society enable the systemic transformations to create a sustainable future? 

How to propose a session? 

The call for sessions for Sustainability Science Days 2023 (SSD2023) has officially closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted, we got a record number of submissions. We will begin reviewing the sessions immediately and will follow-up with session proposers by the end of December. 

Session proposer were asked to include the following information: 

  1. Title 

  1. Chair(s) of the session and their contact details 

  1. Brief description (max. 250 words) of the aims, focus, and content 

  1. Key questions to be addressed in the session 

  1. 4–6 keywords that encapsulate the themes of the proposed session 

  1. A one-liner that describes the session and can be used for session marketing if needed

If your session idea cannot be explained within the constraints of the form, please feel welcome to e-mail us directly to share your ideas (  

What is expected from a session convenor?

You will be asked to be involved in the review of abstracts or expressions of interest that are submitted for your session. The conference organizing committee will arrange a networking meeting for conveners to discuss their choices and the possibility to allocate papers from one session to another if needed. This also gives a possibility for conveners to share ideas and give peer-support on ways to organize the sessions. 

Thank you for your interest in organizing a session during the SSD 2023 conference. Please share this invitation widely in your networks! 


Read more about the conference and SAVE THE DATES! 

Do you have any questions or need additional information? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: