Online articles by think tanks, science platforms and research institutions

A Commons Perspective on Human-Nature Relations: Analysis, Vision, and Strategies for Alternative Futures by Bonn Juego in Heinrich Böll Stiftung Southeast Asia (2016/5/27)
Keywords Commons; Human-nature relation; alternatives; post-capitalism;

A Vast Liquidation of Public Lands Is Underway in Alaska by Jenny Rowland-Shea, Sung Chung, Sally Hardin, Matt Lee-Ashley & Kate Kelly in Center for American Progress (2019/09/10)

Article on liquidation of public lands in Alaska "The Trump administration is quietly leading one of the largest liquidations of America’s public lands since the late 19th century. If fully implemented, this effort could result in the transfer, sale, or private exploitation of more than 28.3 million acres of public lands in Alaska, including old-growth forests, subsistence hunting areas for Alaska Native communities, habitats for polar bears, salmon spawning streams, and other backcountry areas."
Keywords Land-grabbing; energy; natural resource governance; wildlife; species extinction

IPBES Guest Article: COVID-19 Stimulus Measures Must Save Lives, Protect Livelihoods, and Safeguard Nature to Reduce the Risk of Future Pandemics by Josef Settele, Sandra Díaz, Eduardo Brondizio & Peter Daszak in IPBES (2020/04/27)

Guest article on Covid-19 and measures for future pandemics "COVID-19 Stimulus Measures Must Save Lives, Protect Livelihoods, and Safeguard Nature to Reduce the Risk of Future Pandemics"
Keywords Covid-19; pandemics; species extinction; climate emergency;

UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’ by IPBES / UN (2019)

Report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) warning that Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history – and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating, with grave impacts on people around the world now likely
Keywords Biodiversity; Extinction; biodiversity loss; report; UN; ecosystems;

Manifesto for post-neoliberal development: five policy strategies for the Netherlands after the Covid-19 crisis by Giuseppe Feola in Ontgroei - The Dutch Degrowth Platform (2020/04/16)

Manifesto for post-neoliberal development planning in the post-Covid-19 future released by a group of environment and development academics. Five policy strategies for the Netherlands after the Covid-19 crisis
Keywords Degrowth; Covid-19; post-neoliberalism; development; policy change;

Illegal Mining in Venezuela: Death and Devastation in the Amazonas and Orinoco Regions by Moises Rendon, Linnea Sandin & Claudia Fernandez in CSIS - Center for Strategic and International Studies (2020/04/16)

CSIS Brief: Illegal Mining in Venezuela: Death and Devastation in the Amazonas and Orinoco Regions
Keywords Mining; Illegal mining; Venezuela; policy suggestions

The Methane Gun by Julian Cribb in MAHB (2019/10/29)

Blog post on "methane gun" a tipping point phenomena exponentially increasing the magnitude of climate emergency
Keywords Climate emergency; methane gun; methane; tipping point;

Urban land could grow fruit and veg for 15 percent of the population by Sophie Armour in University of Sheffield - Institute for Sustainable Food (2020/03/17)

Urban land could grow fruit and veg for 15 percent of the population. Growing fruit and vegetables in just 10 per cent of a city’s gardens and other urban green spaces could provide 15 per cent of the local population with their ‘five a day’, according to new research.
Keywords Food; Urban agriculture; sustainability;

Global warming will happen faster than we think by Yangyang Xu, Veerabhadran Ramanathan & David G. Victor in Nature (2018/12/05)

Article on a research contribution suggesting that global warming will happen faster than previously suspected. Three lines of evidence suggest that global warming will be faster than projected in the recent IPCC special report.
Keywords Global Warming; research; Climate emergency

Global Climate Emergency: Preventing fatal “future facts” from becoming reality by Barry Gills in Common Alternatives (2019/10/01)

Article on Global Climate Emergency and preventing fatal worst case scenarios becoming reality
Keywords Climate Emergency; Alternatives; Climate Crisis;

The New Climate Math: The Numbers Keep Getting More Frightening by Bill McKibben in Yale Environment 360 (2019/11/25)

Article: Scientists keep raising ever-louder alarms about the urgency of tackling climate change, but the world’s governments aren’t listening. Yet the latest numbers don’t lie: Nations now plan to keep producing more coal, oil, and gas than the planet can endure.
Keywords Climate emergency; climate science; climate denialism; climate politics; climate policy; environmental crisis

The University of Cambridge's Sustainable Food Policy by University of Cambridge (2020)
About University Policy: The University of Cambridge's Sustainable Food Policy
Keywords Cambridge; climate policy; climate action; climate emergency; university

Arctic Report Card: Update for 2019 by T. Schuur in NOAA Arctic Program (2019/11/22)

Article by NOAA Arctic Program: Arctic Report Card: Update for 2019 - Arctic ecosystems and communities are increasingly at risk due to continued warming and declining sea ice
Keywords Cambridge; climate policy; climate action; climate emergency; university

From the Paris Agreement to the Anthropocene and Planetary Boundaries Framework: an interview with Will Steffen by Will Steffen & Jamie Morgan in Globalizations (2021/06/16) DOI:

Scientific Interview: In this wide-ranging interview, the well-known Earth System scientist Professor Will Steffen introduces and discusses the influential planetary boundaries (PB) framework, the potential for a Hothouse Earth pathway and the relevance of the Anthropocene concept. He elaborates on the role of emergence, complexity, feedback and irreversibility and draws attention to updates for the nine PBs.
Keywords Anthropocene; planetary boundaries framework; Earth System science; climate emergency; Hothouse Earth