"If we understand the relationship between extractivisms and alternatives...that offers possibilities for understanding better what kind of world we live in and for finding new means to build forms of inclusion and justice." - Anja Nygren
To honor the first two years of the EXALT Initiative some of EXALT's contributors reflected on the significance of researching the very broad topics of extractivisms and alternatives. Eija Ranta sees studying extractivisms and alternatives as enabling one to reflect on the democratization of unequal natural resource politics as well as the democratization of the global economy. Paola Minoia and Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen emphasise the importance of listening to and learning from Indigenous communities in order to find solutions and alternatives to the environmentally devastating ways of producing, consuming and being. Teivo Teivainen reminds us to keep our critical lenses on also when examining alternatives. Christopher Chagnon and Markus Kröger value the space that EXALT offers for scholars and practitioners working in very different contexts to come together and share ideas.
The video also includes Barry Gills, Sophia Hagolani-Albov, Özlem Çelik and Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes. Please enjoy our introduction video and meet some of our affiliated researchers while learning more about the EXALT Initiative.
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