Please find the times and paper titles for each session on the programme page.
For our 2020 conference, we were honoured to welcome the following scholars:
Leonardo Custódio is a post-doctoral researcher at Åbo Akademi University, Finland. His research focuses on anti-racism and media activism. Visit Dr. Custódio's website to learn more.
Leonardo Custódio will be our discussant in session C: Extractivist knowledge production and decolonial methodology.
Laura Junka-Aikio is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at the The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). Her research interests include issues related to settler colonialism, to the politics of knowledge and to Indigenous politics and rights. Learn more on Dr. Junka-Aikio's website.
Laura Junka-Aikio will be the discussant in session A: Local and global resistance and adaption to extractive industries.
Ossi Ollinaho is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki in the discipline of Global Development Studies. His empirical research focuses on agroforestry, agroecology, and renewable energies. Find more information on Dr. Ollinaho's research profile.
Ossi Ollinaho will be the discussant in session E: New frontiers in research on extractivism: Surveillance, social governance and labour.
Elisa Pascucci is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki. Elisa's research focuses on two main areas: refugee political agency and political mobilization, and infrastructures and economies of humanitarianism and refuge. Read more on Elisa's work on University of Helsinki research portal.
Elisa Pascucci will be the discussant in session F: Extractivist logics in the realm of humanitarian governance.
Kaisa Raitio is an Associate Professor in Environmental Communication at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Her research focuses on conflicts, democracy and social change in natural resource politics and planning. Read more on Kaisa Raitio's research profile.
Kaisa Rautio will be our discussant in session D: Power politics and dialogue in extractive projects.
Florian Stammler is a Research Professor at the University of Lapland, Finland. He is specialised in Arctic Anthropology, particularly the Russian Far North. Learn more about Dr. Stammler's research.
Florian Stammler will be our discussant in session B: Extractivism and local identity negotiations: cases from the Arctic and the Baltics.