The conference was postponed by a year to October 25-27, 2021 and this conference will be held online. Regarding abstract submissions: We will send an e-mail with more information directly to those participants who have submitted an abstract.
In the place of the postponed conference, EXALT hosted an online event, EXALT Symposium 2020 - Extractivisms and Alternatives, which took place on the original conference dates in October 21-23, 2020. The event was a series of convivial discussions on different aspects of global extractivisms and alternatives, featuring roundtable discussion with some of the world’s leading scholars working on extractivism. More information on the Symposium.
EXALT hosts an international scientific digital conference "Concurrent Crises and Sustainable Futures: Global Extractivisms and Alternatives" on October 25-27, 2021. Stay tuned for more information later this year.