CALL FOR PAPERS: Special issue of The Journal of Social Encounters
The special issue of The Journal of Social Encounters will bring together scholarship exploring contemporary developments in extractive politics, conflict, and peacebuilding.
Papers that address any of the following themes are welcome:
- How have the social, political, and cultural geographies of extractive industry, conflict, and peacebuilding changed in the last few decades? How are they changing now? How have peacebuilding strategies developed to address these particular kinds of conflicts? In what ways have peace agreements addressed extractive politics and with what effects? In what ways do peace efforts encompass both human and non-human rights and interests?
- What roles do different kinds of stakeholders and advocates play in extractive politics, conflict and peacebuilding and with what effects, including (but not limited to) local and international governing institutions, industry leaders, social and humanitarian aid workers, movement organizers, the Church and religious authorities, women, indigenous, and minoritized peoples?
- In what ways have social movements been successful in supporting local communities against displacement, exploitation, corruption, and social and ecological harms? What other advocacy mechanisms and forms of organizing have been adopted and with what outcomes? In what ways does the environmental justice movement in the Global Core advocate for or fail to account for the realities of extractive industries in the Global Periphery?
- How have international relationships helped or hindered peacebuilding in areas targeted by extractive industries? What roles do NGOs play in this process? What can countries economically dependent on extractive industry expect from the international peacebuilding community in the coming decades? In what ways has the “procedural turn” in global extractive politics shaped conflict, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding?
- What does the push for the rapid development of “green” technologies mean for the future of extractive politics, conflict, and peacebuilding? How do the exigent changes posed by climate crisis and ecological decline affect the extractive industry, conflict, and peacebuilding arena?
Please send an abstract of 300-500 words to by April 25, 2022. In addition to the abstract, please include a title, keywords, institutional affiliation, and email address. First full paper drafts will be due by September 15, 2022. The issue will be published in March of 2023.